Sentences with phrase «dozen other things»

When your prospects are reading their email, they may have a dozen other things going on as well.
Many years ago we cut sugar [along with about a dozen other things] out of our diet so I've followed Sarah Wilson's I Quit Sugar initiative [crusade?]
He has to have his back stretched and his neck rubbed and a dozen other things done to him.
On a televised game we get time to digest, get multiple angles, slo - mo, the referee gets one shot whilst running and processing a dozen other things.
If he keeps it up, and a dozen other things go right, the Twins have a shot.
In a particularly unstructured show, the lads discuss the Roma tie, the City video, the Liverpool video, the Bournemouth game, the West Brom game and, quite genuinely, a dozen other things.
It could be a cold, but it could also be the flu, a sinus infection, allergies, pregnancy, your body wash, and about a dozen other things.
Every time I was making my way to a story mission marker, I would get distracted by at least half a dozen other things I could do in the environment.
The ergonomic practicality of the instruments, the head - up display and the TouchPro Duo system make the driving position very effective for everything from changing drive modes, selecting one's favourite music, making a phone call or about a dozen other things — without having to back out of the navigation graphics, which can display in the instrument display as well as the head - up display and the upper monitor in the centre fascia.
All this while trying to do a dozen other things, but hey, you got ta move forward to keep the dream alive.
My favorite food is home - made chocolate chip cookies followed a close second by about a dozen other things.
So if you have time for Frieze and Frieze Masters, here are a dozen other things to do.
There are at least a half - dozen other things the spray is used for, but if you, Dane, can convince the public that IT REALLY IS HAPPENING, a huge victory will be achieved.
(And yeah, I drive a high MPG car and I turn off lights and replace lightbulbs and recycle and buy local produce and grow my own and a dozen other things, too.)
Alertness, trustworthiness, customer services and a dozen other things come to mind.
Decades of research have shown that babies and toddlers do best with regular routines (regular feeding schedules, regular sleep and nap schedules) the opportunity for real eye - contact and real interactive face time with their loving, doting parent, with their parent focused on the child, not on a half - dozen other things, little ones need gentle physical activities, down time, snack time, all very regular and peaceful.
I volunteered on boards, did a talk radio show, acted in a play, raised money for projects I believed in and did a dozen other things that made me quite well known in my city.
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