Sentences with phrase «draft of a paper about»

She is continually challenged and intrigued by core and pathogenic emotions and has completed the first draft of a paper about pathogenic affect with the working title of «Rock Logic & Rabbit Holes: The Phenomenology of Pathogenic State of Consciousness & its Impact on the Therapist's State of Consciousness and Therapist - Client Intersubjectivity.»

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Supporting her and her ruling Socialist party is a network of deconstructionist think tanks (like the ominously named Terra Nova) that draft white papers about how to purge machismo, heterosexism, Eurocentrism, and nostalgia wherever such toxins may lurk.
The Bad News about Divorce and Children Is Worse than We Thought, but the Good News Is Better than We Thought William V. Fabricius Department of Psychology Arizona State University First draft of a paper to be presented at Senator Anne C. Cools Roundtable on Family Dynamics Senate of Canada May 6 — 8, 2011
Because you [Wakefield] drafted and wrote the final version of the paper, and omitted correct information about the purpose of the study or the patient population, the panel is satisfied that your conduct was irresponsible and dishonest.»
This is old news for composition instructors, and often they have legitimate concerns about managing the paper load of multiple drafts.
This process begins with the production of an initial draft of a working paper about the developmental impacts of chronic neglect, including a neurobiological perspective on what happens to the brain when it receives limited or inappropriate stimulation, and a discussion of the relevance of this scientific knowledge for rethinking both policy and practice in child protective services.
The paper is still in draft form, but if these results hold up, the case for Michelle Rhee's merit pay initiative in the District or Columbia — and the merit pay component of the Obama Administration's Race to the Top initiative — is pretty strong, as 0.25 standard deviation is about a full year's worth of learning.
Like many of my boomer peers, in the late 70s & 80s I insisted that typewriters & early computers would never eclipse the power of the pen — something about a pen / cil on paper lubricated the right side of the brain & helped us create those imaginative first drafts.
Unlike other writing companies, provides you with Draft to have an idea about the contents and also a short description of each and every aspects of your paper in advance.
That's how I think of the first draft — for me, the purpose of it is to write the story, to get the words down on paper, to go off on tangents if need be, to tell the story and not worry about something not working or not fitting in.
Wade Pfau, an Associate Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, wrote a comment to an earlier blog entry this morning that describes a research paper he has written (the paper is still in its first draft) about the New School Safe Withdrawal Rate concept that I developed with John Walter Russell (and with the help of hundreds of our fellow community members in the Retire Early and Indexing discussion - board communities).
But of all the fresh considerations of Carson's work, there's one that stands out for me at the moment — a recent paper by two researchers of rhetoric and writing who dug in on «Silent Spring» drafts, notes and revisions and found that Carson had a remarkable and rare trait for someone so committed to raising public concern about a pressing environmental issue.
* In the original June 2005 draft of this paper the reader would have seen an estimate that the cost of powering a hybrid with average (8.5 cents / kwh) residential electricity from the grid would be about one - quarter the cost of powering the same vehicle in its normal operating mode using $ 2 / gallon gasoline.
However, the IPCC's author team did engage in a lively interchanges about the quality and overall consistency of all of the papers as the chapter was drafted and revised in the course of review.
Reviewing my post: — my introduction describes recent statements and seems accurate to me; — my account of IPCC First and Second Draft seems accurate to me and, in any event, unaffected by new papers; — likewise my comments on the SPM and gatekeeping of skeptic submissions on the discrepancy; — my observations about 20th century history also seem accurate to me and not vulnerable to new papers; — I asked questions about the long past hiatus and deep ocean during that period.
Sure enough, the next week I received an email from an economist I had been communicating with about his draft paper, that is highly policy relevant in context of the forthcoming Paris meeting.
Just think about this: according to the United States government, the fabric of Rand Paul's shirt and the paper that drafts of our own Declaration of Independence were written upon is just as illegal as heroin and LSD.
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
For this reason, I try and get all my ideas on paper as quickly as possible and then enjoy the wonderful luxury of editing and thinking about my draft until it is time to pass it on to the partner.
Includes interviewing a client, researching the law and commentary in paper and computer media, reading the law, reasoning about a client's situation in light of the law, writing office memos and advice letters, counseling a client, negotiating and drafting contracts, settling cases through demand letters and negotiation, and arguing motions in writing and orally.
It's clear that the latest draft of the ChainAnchor paper is about permissioned blockchains and not Bitcoin, but Todd says multiple anonymous sources have told him the intention is to turn Bitcoin into a permissioned payment platform.
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