Sentences with phrase «drafts of the manuscript of»

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Nearly 1/3 of Advantage ForbesBooks Authors arrive at our front door with the first draft of a manuscript already created.
Prior to publication of the First Edition of the Big Book in 1939, Bill Wilson prepared a number of draft manuscripts.
In the Spring of 1969, while still in Tübingen, my wife typed the first draft of the manuscript.
The authors» responsibilities were as follows — CNM: had leadership responsibility for the research planning and execution, wrote the manuscript, and had primary responsibility for the final content of the manuscript; CNM, HE, and BN: formulated the study idea and designed the research; EV and JM: managed the day - to - day conduct of the study and oversaw the data collection; YJ: performed statistical analyses of the study data; and all authors: provided critical review and commentary on the draft of the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.
ER wrote the first draft of the manuscript which was supplemented by EH and VS. All three authors read and approved the final manuscript.
LS and RdV participated in the interpretation of data and drafting of the manuscript.
TvH and MH participated in the conceptual design of the study, the analysis and interpretation of data and the drafting of the manuscript and wrote the final version together.
Members of the Millennium Cohort Study Child Health Group contributed to the paper through analysis and construction of explanatory variables and commented on data interpretation and early drafts of the manuscript.
She designed the evaluation, supervised data access and management, and undertook the analysis and writing of the first draft of the manuscript.
Dr. Robert Liston participated in the interpretation of data and the drafting of the manuscript.
Lee Saxell, Lesley Page, Michael Klein and Shoo Lee participated in the conceptual design of the study, the interpretation of data and the drafting of the manuscript.
Contributors: Patricia Janssen participated in the conceptual design of the study, the analysis and interpretation of data and the drafting of the manuscript and wrote the final version.
WH Oddy developed the hypothesis, undertook statistical analyses, wrote the main drafts of the manuscript, and is responsible for correspondence and requests for reprints.
A bit of introspection can make the process go more smoothly, says Stemwedel, so «don't wait to for a manuscript to be drafted.
Peer review of lecture and laboratory class objectives, class materials, exam questions, draft manuscripts, grant proposals, clinical skills, student evaluations, the teaching portfolio, and formative participation in classroom visits
BioRxiv, launched yesterday by the nonprofit Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), aims to be biologists» version of arXiv, the popular preprint server where physicists have shared their draft manuscripts for more than 20 years.
«The concept of «blue carbon» has focused scientists and stakeholders on the tremendous potential of managing marine ecosystems for climate mitigation,» said Patrick Megonigal, associate director for research at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, who reviewed an early draft of the manuscript but was not directly involved in the work.
In a 8 July letter sent by his attorney to ORI, Penn psychiatrist Jay Amsterdam, a co-investigator on the study but not a co-author of the paper, accuses five colleagues of «allowing their names to be appended to a manuscript that was drafted by» Scientific Therapeutics Information (STI), a medical communications company, that had been «hired by» GSK (then SmithKline Beecham).
After you've processed the great swathes of red typeface from your boss, and sought approval on the next draft of your manuscript, next in line come your co-authors.
David Pollard: «Every student has a right to expect a timely response on a draft of a report, thesis chapter, or manuscript.
The Department of Defense, which announced its draft public - access policy this week, is creating a public repository that will include all full - text manuscripts, as well as links to articles on publishers» websites.
Please send Javier your CV, a copy of a first - author manuscript or draft, and a cover letter describing your research experience and future goals.
P.S., H. Helgason, A.H., D.F.G. and K.S. wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
The authors would like to thank Hartwig Siebner for his valuable advice concerning the fMRI design, Wolfgang Miltner for his valuable comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript, Anne Ohrt, Joachim Laudien and Johann Kuhtz - Buschbeck for their help during sweat collection, Bernfried Sojka for his help in constructing the olfactometer, Jan Born for the analysis of the endocrine parameters, and Rachael Cole and Sabine Schlösser for their help in language editing.
Designed and supervised the global analysis of the FunGenES gene expression profiling data and wrote the manuscript draft: AKH.
EOP and EA - V conceived of the study, developed its design and coordination and drafted the manuscript.
To accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, the bioRxiv preprint service will advance free distribution of research manuscript drafts...
E.A.A., Z.V.J., Y.J.K., S.J.R., H.W., A.C.S., V.S., and W.D.M. analysed data; E.A.A. drafted the manuscript; Z.V.J., A.C.S., Y.J.K., S.J.R., H.W., and V.S. contributed to the writing; R.C.L. and L.J.Y. edited the manuscript and supervised all aspects of the study.
For example if you want to write a book, the «what» is to write a book, the «how» is to get up early and write one hour a day before work, the «when» is the deadline that the first draft of your manuscript should be finished.
YS wrote the draft of the manuscript, and TYL, RMvD, JEM, and FBH critically reviewed the manuscript.
The author's responsibilities were as follows — AE and LA: participated in the collection of data, conception and design, statistical analysis and data interpretation, manuscript drafting, and approval of the final manuscript for submission.
HAH completed the first draft of the manuscript.
Self - congratulatory autofellatio hyped as a celebration of»80s pop - culture, Ready Player One is ill - conceived, poorly written, and bears the telltale plotting and dialogue of a manuscript that never went beyond a first draft.
Come January, though, Jal and I are planning to work intensively to draft the manuscript of our book, so that will bring a host of new challenges in terms of work - life balance.
Once we receive the finalized version of your book or manuscript, and you have completed the online ordering process, you will receive the first draft of your formatting within approximately 14 days.
Article rewrites (some exclusions apply), re-execution of drafts (from articles to full manuscripts), nonfiction eBooks for trade or business owners, as well as full - length fiction and nonfiction works.
IPR License is offering a six - month online course taking authors from the first draft of their manuscripts through to how to license their work world - wide.
The manuscript may, however, be in any stage of development: draft, agency representation, contracted, or not.
And that doesn't even get into what's involved in tracking drafts and the evolution of a manuscript across multiple rounds of editing.
Bonus Tip for Authors: Consider using the VoiceOver feature to review drafts of your manuscript.
When you list a book for pre-order, you'll need to upload the final version or a draft manuscript of the book file for review.
Over the next 3 weeks, I focused and wrote, and by July 24th had my first draft of my manuscript, and went on to publication through Balboa Press by February of the following year.
The draft of what I thought was the first installment ran over 600 manuscript pages, far too long for a first - in - a-series novel.
After the author perfects the final draft of the manuscript, the editor than approves the work.
Inside that folder are documents: the back cover copy, the outline, a list of things to fix / check on in later drafts, and the manuscript.
Now the manuscript had its trials, but as soon as I wrote my first draft of my query letter I sort of sat back in my chair, a little pale, and thought, «Oh no.»
We tried to write the first draft of More Than Two by working on it an hour a day or so, when we were both finished with our other work and had a bit of time after dinner, and the math showed us that at that rate, we might have a rough manuscript done in about six and a half years, give or take.
He'll take you through the steps of completing a manuscript, drafting a query letter and more.
When David Foster Wallace's posthumous novel, The Pale King, is released in April of next year, the University of Texas's Harry Ransom Center's website will «showcase the draft manuscript, journal entries, and other aspects about the making of this posthumous novel» (from Little Brown's spring / summer catalog).
I'm sure you've wondered how to revive a previous draft of your book at some point or another when writing your manuscript.
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