Sentences with phrase «drafty places»

Avoid drafty places for your hamster's tank or cage.
You should also avoid drafty places as well.
Stay out of cool, damp, and drafty places.

Not exact matches

Place the bed out of the sun, but close to a window if it is not too drafty.
So avoid placing plants next to open or drafty windows too!
Now that I have some land I'm trying to learn to grow some of my own food, and I already round up the mortgage payment every month even though money is super tight, but if I get $ 100k extra in writing income over the next however many years, I could pay off the mortgage, get proper insulation for this drafty old place, and put solar panels on the roof, at which point I could live comfortably on about $ 1000 a month (except for the unexpected stuff), so that is my current dream.
The place was pretty drafty and cold while I was writing them so this feels like substantial progress.
● Make sure your companion animal has a warm place to sleep, off the floor and away from all drafty areas.
Provide warmth - You probably already know that kitties like to curl up in warm places, so make sure their favorite resting places are warm and not drafty.
Make sure your older cat's favorite soft bed or resting place is not in a drafty area of your home.
This means you should avoid placing your hamster next to any heaters or drafty windows.
If you don't need to use the energy in the first place, then regardless of energy source, you can free up that money to do better things than heating drafty rooms and cooling ones which don't ventilate well.
I've rented in a very similar triple decker and a converted multifamily built in 1820, both were drafty which had their inconveniences on the stormiest of nights, but I never felt like I had to move out to find an easier to heat place.
If at all possible, beds should be placed far away from busy doorways or drafty windows.
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