Sentences with phrase «dramatic benefits as»

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In a dramatic shift in sentiment, fewer than half of retirees believe the value of future Social Security benefits will be at least as high as what today's recipients get right now, according to the just - released 2018 Retirement Confidence Survey [opens PDF] from the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
It might be possible to make minor changes by statute, like preventing incumbent officeholders from double - dipping on their pension benefits while serving as a delegate, but most dramatic changes would require an amendment.
In fact, as some studies have shown the potentially higher risk of obesity, immune problems, diabetes, asthma and allergies in babies born via c - section, this research could have dramatic benefits.
As a result, saunas are quickly gaining in popularity as the health benefits have been proven to make a dramatic difference in the lives of dedicated sauna userAs a result, saunas are quickly gaining in popularity as the health benefits have been proven to make a dramatic difference in the lives of dedicated sauna useras the health benefits have been proven to make a dramatic difference in the lives of dedicated sauna users.
Other benefits include fewer hunger pangs and a dramatic drop in food cravings once you've made the shift from burning sugar to burning fat as your primary fuel.
But the filmmakers adhere too prominently to the tropes of the sports genre, all leading up to the big, dramatic encounter at the end, whereas tonally it felt the film may have benefited from avoiding such an approach — for while a necessity Billie Jean King took place in the match, the entire endeavour was more about putting Bobby Riggs in his place rather than to prove herself as an athlete.
All three are at their most movie star charismatic here, with their formidable dramatic chops lending real gravitas and palpable emotional stakes as they continue their struggles and conflicts with each other and within in order to act for the greater benefit of their kind.
(Note, I personally haven't seen dramatic benefits in diabetic dogs as a result of increasing fiber.)
Unassuming, serene and hospitable, the establishment certainly benefits from its undiscovered status, providing a dramatic contrast to the queues, chaos, and exhaustion of such principal attractions as the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame Cathedral.
You'll also benefit from extra game modes outside of the standard arcade mode such as Survival Mode, World Tour, Dramatic Battle and Final Battle modes.
The dramatic resurgence of the United States as an energy superpower has provided tremendous economic and environmental benefits.
Choice 1: How much money do we want to spend today on reducing carbon dioxide emission without having a reasonable idea of: a) how much climate will change under business as usual, b) what the impacts of those changes will be, c) the cost of those impacts, d) how much it will cost to significantly change the future, e) whether that cost will exceed the benefits of reducing climate change, f) whether we can trust the scientists charged with developing answers to these questions, who have abandoned the ethic of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but, with all the doubts, caveats, ifs, ands and buts; and who instead seek lots of publicity by telling scary stories, making simplified dramatic statements and making little mention of their doubts, g) whether other countries will negate our efforts, h) the meaning of the word hubris, when we think we are wise enough to predict what society will need a half - century or more in the future?
«As a result of the program, schools can benefit from a dramatic improvement in their kitchen facilities and, of course, from the massive fuel cost savings.
As photograph Briceño stated: «Despite its dramatic history and the problems it faces, [Rwanda] is investing in a green economy and policies in which both humans and nature can benefit from each other, where they are confident that respect for and preservation of nature will provide for the best health and wealth of its population.»
The claim is quite dramatic and makes for a good press release, benefiting the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) campaign against unconventional oil and natural gas (UOG) drilling, widely known as «fracking».
On the second day of the 2017 NAREIT REITWeek panels featuring retail REIT executives drew big crowds, as GGP, PREIT and Macerich explained how they have learned to benefit from the dramatic changes underway in the sector.
The rent and occupancy slumps have not been as dramatic in the Northeast, which relies less on one sector for tenants; the area has also benefited from a scramble to replace or back up offices in lower Manhattan after the destruction of the World Trade Center.
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