Sentences with phrase «dramatic events happening»

The obvious answer is the insurers, assuming there is insurance cover, but when this rather dramatic event happened to some three - storey townhouses in Docklands, it raised important legal issues.

Not exact matches

Like Professor MacKinnon in his Easter meditation, I based my sermon on the assumption that there was an objective Easter event, and that it was this event which produced the dramatic change in the outlook of the disciples; that to speak of «Easter» is not a way of describing the disciples» growing conviction that Jesus had been right after all; but that it was only because something real and objective and totally unexpected had actually happened at Easter that the disciples became changed men.
This is the question whether what happened at the first Easter was an objective event in the external world or whether it was simply a change of mind, radical and dramatic but not necessarily sudden, on the part of the disciples.
The reality is being played out, in the dramatic events of John Paul's reign, in the renewed Catholic / Orthodox friendships, in the conversion of Russia that is happening before the eyes of the world (including the eyes of this writer, who visited the former USSR in the 1990s and then again, more recently).
Confiding in us, she looks back on her life's many dramatic events while arguing over their crucial details — principally, «what happened on the hill and the days before and the days that followed» — with the scribes trying to capture and recount these for Christ's earliest followers.
«Part of the challenge Syracuse faces is directly related to climate change, with colder winters, warmer summers, and more dramatic freeze - thaw events happening both earlier and later in the season,» she said.
Something sudden and dramatic must have happened, and it is this event that could be the starting point for human consciousness.
«Although this newly discovered event is more dramatic than others found to date, comparisons of the 14C data among them can help us to work out what happened to the sun at this time,» Fusa Miyake of Nagoya University says.
Of course the counter argument is that we all knew they'd team up, because we've got the Justice League movie to do yet and Snyder was never going to have one of the characters kill the other, but that's where our own suspension of reality comes into play; sure, we know these things will happen because Hollywood is nothing if not predictable, but there's still a degree of mystery surrounding the events and the vague chance that something dramatic and shocking will happen that we never see coming, despite Warner Bros. and DC clearly not being willing to delivering something surprising because they would never want to damage either the Batman franchise or the Superman franchise.
A dramatic event in a cutscene will happen and then they'll switch to gameplay, or vice versa, and in between that switch there'll be a loading time where the screen goes black and you get the loading symbol in the corner.
I think it's a talent that I've accumulated through my childhood, a dramatic event would happen, it would be ignored by my parents and I was left to ponder.»
It is one of the most ambitious arts events likely to happen this year: the first UK public project by the lauded American artist Theaster Gates, in which the dramatic ruins of a city centre church will host performances around the clock for 24 days.
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