Sentences with phrase «dramatic events in»

Pollay: What's critical for readers to know is that how we respond to daily hassles is as important as the way we respond to the more dramatic events in our lives like divorce or bereavement.
The dramatic events in the game start to lose their effect after the third or fourth time you've seen them.
In the past publishers cashed in on dramatic events in or originating in the Middle East.
Debbie also discusses the dramatic events in her own life, which saw her move from drug addict, alcoholic and homeless to someone who believed she was called by God to help the homeless by offering them food and love.
Students analyze the emotional and social impact of dramatic events in their lives, in the community, and in other cultures
Many films that lack dramatic events in the narrative suffer and drag.
Levinson finds more success with the studious editing process, which finds scenes shifting between dramatic events in the present, Axler recounting the tale to his psychiatrist and Axler seemingly rehearsing moments to himself.
The new Danish historical romance drama, which is now playing in select American theaters, and was directed and co-written by Arcel, intriguingly explores one of the most dramatic events in Denmark's history through the eyes of the characters.
With the dramatic events in the lab, you might think that a gold rush would be under way.
Gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of space and time produced by dramatic events in the universe, such as merging black holes, and predicted as a consequence of Albert Einstein's 1915 general theory of relativity — carry information about their origins and about the nature of gravity that can not otherwise be obtained.
«The recent dramatic events in North Africa and the Middle East have shown that the «soft power» wielded through the World Service could bring even more benefits to the UK in the future than it has in the past, and that to proceed with the planned cuts to the World Service would be a false economy.»
Which is why we're witnessing dramatic events in the political sphere.
Of course it does and is just about the most dramatic event in the lives of the ant colony it fell on they will ever experience...
There is a clear dominant note running through Israel's written witness, whether in narrative, prophecy or psalms, and that is that Israel owed her very origin and her continued existence to a dramatic event in history, in which she was led out of slavery in Egypt to the freedom of a new land flowing with milk and honey.
The octopus genome, however, shows no evidence of such a dramatic event in its evolutionary history.
Ed Nawotka, the editor of the Frankfurt Book Fair's online publication «Publishing Perspectives», is running a series of pieces responding to his question «what was the most dramatic event in publishing in 2010?»
A dramatic event in a cutscene will happen and then they'll switch to gameplay, or vice versa, and in between that switch there'll be a loading time where the screen goes black and you get the loading symbol in the corner.
I think the very simple things he did were the result of having experienced such a dramatic event in his life.

Not exact matches

In fact, of the biggest sports — NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, college football, college basketball — only two or three of the championship events in the past two years were not dramatic or historiIn fact, of the biggest sports — NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, college football, college basketball — only two or three of the championship events in the past two years were not dramatic or historiin the past two years were not dramatic or historic.
In a dramatic last - minute turn of events, Uber has been cited for withholding evidence in a lawsuit brought by competitor AlphabeIn a dramatic last - minute turn of events, Uber has been cited for withholding evidence in a lawsuit brought by competitor Alphabein a lawsuit brought by competitor Alphabet.
The Board or the CNGC can modify these guidelines in the event of dramatic and unexpected changes in the market value of our Shares or in other circumstances that the Board or the CNGC deem appropriate.
Below are key events, summarized from court documents and media reports, that show how Waymo reached the dramatic conclusion in its trade secrets lawsuit against Uber.
Harper added to the sense of lurking danger with his own comments at a campaign event in Quebec, referring darkly to the prospect that more dramatic crises might lie ahead. «We have a range of tools with which we can respond were we to face some obviously much more serious circumstances.»
In a speech praising the rapper, Corbyn said: «This last year we've seen dramatic political events all across the world.
Although my call was more like a slow culmination of events and experiences, there was one dramatic moment in my senior year in high school.
The real significance of «the Kingdom of God» for the message of Jesus does not in any sense depend on the dramatic events attending its coming, nor on any circumstances which the imagination can conceive.
The collapse of communism in 1989 was one of the greatest events of human history — one of the most sudden, unexpected, dramatic, and utterly transformative.
Like Professor MacKinnon in his Easter meditation, I based my sermon on the assumption that there was an objective Easter event, and that it was this event which produced the dramatic change in the outlook of the disciples; that to speak of «Easter» is not a way of describing the disciples» growing conviction that Jesus had been right after all; but that it was only because something real and objective and totally unexpected had actually happened at Easter that the disciples became changed men.
This is the question whether what happened at the first Easter was an objective event in the external world or whether it was simply a change of mind, radical and dramatic but not necessarily sudden, on the part of the disciples.
the proof of Gods presence in us is not limited to the material or biological evolutionary development only, but most important scientific proof is the effect of His will in historical development of the world.A computer program now used and tested a powerful machine by inputing all recorded events in history during the last hundreds years and found out that it has a purpose and not random.Meaning that an intelligent being could have influence it.It is now presumed by the religious observers that it could be His will.The process now is under improvement, because the computers is not powerl enough the deluge of information and data since the beginning of history, some analyst believes that in them near future if the Quantum computers which is much powerful than the present coventional will be used, then dramatic results and confirmation will be at hand.
Because Troeltsch, at the beginning of this century, was keenly aware of many trends that became apparent to most observers only at its end: the collapse of Eurocentrism; the perceived relativity of all historical events and knowledge (including scientific knowledge); an awareness that Christianity is relative to its Western, largely European history and environment; the emergence of a profound global pluralism; the central role of practice in theology; the growing impact of the social sciences on our view of the world and of ourselves; and dramatic changes in the role of religious institutions and religious thought.
Evolutionists have themselves noted these glaring flaws in Darwinian theory and have sought to deal with them in the manner of Stephen J. Gould, who has suggested that speciation is a sudden and dramatic event which therefore does not show up in the fossil record.
Luther lived and worked during a time of historical upheaval; he both fomented and responded to the dramatic events unfolding in Europe in the 16th century.
The history of his wrestle with God is not confined to a few thousand years of dramatic events occurring in Asia Minor, though the crucial importance of those events seems even greater as the story expands into remoter pasts and futures.
The dramatic revisions in our ideas on the spatiality of matter have, therefore, a major implication: We must abandon the assumption that we can understand physical reality by simply locating bits of matter in space without taking into account the relational web of energy - events in which they are situated.
The reality is being played out, in the dramatic events of John Paul's reign, in the renewed Catholic / Orthodox friendships, in the conversion of Russia that is happening before the eyes of the world (including the eyes of this writer, who visited the former USSR in the 1990s and then again, more recently).
Contemporary preaching is full of dramatic and piquant turnings of the text, irresponsible arbitrariness in strained if ever so personable interpretations of biblical figures, events, and statements.
The French dramatic theorist Antonin Artaud, in speaking about the French classical theater, which had become formal and aloof from the issues of human hope, wrote, «In the anguished, catastrophic period in which we live, we feel an urgent need for a theater in which events do not exceed, where resonance is deep within us, dominating the instability of the times.&raquin speaking about the French classical theater, which had become formal and aloof from the issues of human hope, wrote, «In the anguished, catastrophic period in which we live, we feel an urgent need for a theater in which events do not exceed, where resonance is deep within us, dominating the instability of the times.&raquIn the anguished, catastrophic period in which we live, we feel an urgent need for a theater in which events do not exceed, where resonance is deep within us, dominating the instability of the times.&raquin which we live, we feel an urgent need for a theater in which events do not exceed, where resonance is deep within us, dominating the instability of the times.&raquin which events do not exceed, where resonance is deep within us, dominating the instability of the times.»
This is not only because of the spectacular collapse of, first, the Soviet empire in Europe, and then of the Soviet Union itself, though that collapse is surely the single most dramatic event of this moment in history.
Vatican Spokesman Father Federico Lombardi called the event «a dramatic confirmation of the tragic situation in which the Syrian population and its Christian communities are living.»
We are glad to have been active in, and witnesses to, gradual and in some cases dramatic improvement in areas of Church life where we stood frm: most Catholic youth events now have the sort of liturgical and devotional style that at one time was almost unique to the annual FAITH summer gathering, and the new generation of priests has a vigorous approach to catechesis and to promoting the Church's message on marriage and family life.
In the text of Sacred Scripture, Christian writers found something similar to this dramatic format, where biblical events involving divine activity were often scripted in dialogical forIn the text of Sacred Scripture, Christian writers found something similar to this dramatic format, where biblical events involving divine activity were often scripted in dialogical forin dialogical form.
Confiding in us, she looks back on her life's many dramatic events while arguing over their crucial details — principally, «what happened on the hill and the days before and the days that followed» — with the scribes trying to capture and recount these for Christ's earliest followers.
By far the most dramatic event to stimulate American interest in the religions of the world was the World Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago in 1893 in connection with the Columbian Exposition.
The paradigmatic fictional works of the twentieth century either present accounts that make dramatic sense in themselves, but tell of events or sequences that could not occur in the world outside the storytelling; or they meticulously describe events that could occur or perhaps actually have occurred in «the real world,» but in such fashion as to display precisely their lack of dramatic coherence.
The event kicked off with a brief keynote address and welcome by award - winning business editor Richard Siddle, who outlined the dramatic growth in the bulk wine industry in the UK and gave a brief outline...
«We saw a dramatic increase in the number of qualified attendees to the event.
The event kicked off with a brief keynote address and welcome by award - winning business editor Richard Siddle, who outlined the dramatic growth in the bulk wine industry in the UK and gave a brief outline of what participants could expect to learn in both the morning and afternoon sessions.
These will primarily be judged on achievement, e.g. top performances in BUCS or other major events, for dramatic improvements, or a fantastic run of victories.
Aston Martin took a dramatic class victory in the dying moments of this year's Le Mans 24 hours, but that was just a warm up for the biggest event of the summer: the Red Bull Soapbox Race at Alexandra Palace in London.
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