Sentences with phrase «dramatic gains in student achievement»

They are asked to effectively lead inexperienced and less - qualified teachers whilst making dramatic gains in student achievement.
The Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes elementary and secondary schools that have demonstrated dramatic gains in student achievement while serving an economically disadvantaged population of students.
Kingsland, blogging this year on the Education Week website, sparked controversy by challenging superintendents of struggling school districts to relinquish their systems instead of trying endless reforms: «Rid yourself of the notion that your current opinions on curriculum, teacher evaluation, technology, or anything else will be the foundation for dramatic gains in student achievement.
Using a value - added model to analyze performance data from 179 high - need charter schools across the country during the 2008 - 2009 school year, EPIC identified 22 schools that have made the most dramatic gains in student achievement.
The prestigious Blue Ribbon Schools Program (BRS) honors public and private K - 12 schools that are either academically superior in their states or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement.
The New Leader - led Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) identifies 22 charter schools that have made dramatic gains in student achievement, crediting their success to effective principals and teachers.
The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors K - 12 schools that are either academically superior or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement.
The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private K - 12 schools that are either academically superior or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement.
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