Sentences with phrase «dramatic implications»

One phase of that revolution with dramatic implications for Christian faith and institutions is perhaps months away: commercial production of the laser video - disc.
The most recent data, to be presented here, will suggest a far higher figure with dramatic implications for many island nations and coastal regions.
However, the higher the penetration of renewables in the electricity mix, the more dramatic the implications for lowering carbon.
Here is a hypothetical question that may have dramatic implications if true.
And this could have dramatic implications across all industries — not just fossil fuel companies.
«In a sense, the full dramatic implications of the question how to begin ever anew were first realized by the modernist avant - gardes (it is...
«Even a sea level rise of 20 cm (8in) in a century will have quite dramatic implications,» said Shad O'Neel from the US Geological Survey (USGS).
Horn's comments came after a meeting with local school board members in Charlotte this week, who, like many districts across the state, say a looming legislative mandate to slash class sizes in the early grades would have dramatic implications without additional funding or a reprieve from lawmakers.
None of the six effects are enabled at the «Middle» preset and this has some pretty dramatic implications on performance as you will soon find out.
While not perfect, the Independent graphic is shown to have been pretty good — especially for a hand - drawn schematic, while the more dramatic implications from McIntyre or Pielke were large overestimates (as is often the case).
A reduction of this order in the rich world is necessary to stave off the risk of serious climate disruption with dramatic implications worldwide.
Can or should the common law figure out how far a search or inspection power extends in the digital world, or should legislatures deal with this because of the sometimes dramatic implications?
As bad as the IP Chapter may be, however, a still - to - be-leaked e-commerce chapter may have equally dramatic implications for consumer privacy.
Each and every match that remains, beit Liverpool or SPAL 2013, is a life or death affair with dramatic implications for the near future of the club.
In about five billion years, our own Sun will make the transition from a main - sequence yellow dwarf star, to a red giant, with dramatic implications for Earth.
More than a mere difference in theology, this disagreement has dramatic implications for pluralism.
If scientific advances in human self - understanding and developments in computer technology are in fact narrowing the presumed gap between the capacities of humans, animals and machines, dramatic implications for practical ethics follow.
Recent scientific thinking has begun to take seriously the dramatic implications of quantum physics which posits the mutual implication of the universe and each of its constituent aspects.
The same approach could «have dramatic implications» for the performance of energy - conversion schemes such as thermo - photovoltaics.
If the Austrian team are right, this has dramatic implications, for example in the studies of planet populations and how the mass of planets relate to their size.
«My research shows that a rushed policy process, without thorough consultation with communities or key stakeholders, may have dramatic implications for the success of the law change.
While many of Harris» arguments have dramatic implications, his urging scientists to overcome ailments to human health echo the core mission of Gladstone.
Director Mike Barker (Best Laid Plans) doesn't quite get the right cast in the right parts, and appears flummoxed by the play's tone; he never knows when to play a scene for its comic or dramatic implications.
What made Poitras» documentary so compelling was the contrast between the quiet of Snowden's Hong Kong hotel room — the film's sole location — and the dramatic implications of his actions for the outside world.
Exploring the dramatic implications of Gabriel's case study in the way that Awakenings or Lorenzo's Oil did may well have led to a more compelling and memorable film.
His role is to communicate to investors the dramatic implications of the energy transition.
Even small diversions of corn supplies to ethanol could have dramatic implications for the world's poor, especially considering that researchers believe that food production will need to triple by the year 2050 to accommodate expected demand.
Although the percentage changes for costs and revenue may be quite small, the combination of the two can have dramatic implications for profits.»
In Ghaidan v Godin - Mendoza, which Lord Phillips described as the «definitive» case on s. 3 HRA 1998, the House of Lords held that s. 3 could permit a Court to depart from a provision whose meaning was unambiguous, if that provision was not ECHR compatible, with the dramatic implication that s. 3 could oblige a Court to disregard the legislative purpose of subsequent Parliaments.
Weighing in on a trade secret case that could have dramatic implications for free speech on the...
Important Military Change Has Dramatic Implications for Parenting When the Army starts behaving like a -LSB-...]
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