Sentences with phrase «dramatic influence»

It's clear that headline numbers can have an immediate and sometimes dramatic influence on stock prices.
It may seem odd that protein can have such dramatic influence over the menstrual cycle, but once again, it all goes back to hormone support.
The game takes place in the near - anarchic future of the year 2097, in which the world's economy has been devastated, governments have collapsed, and organized crime has gained dramatic influence.
«It's really amazing that a change in nutrient intake can have such dramatic influences on neuron activity on such a short time scale,» said the study's co-lead author Grant Kauwe, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Haghighi lab.
As a result, they had a dramatic influence on the price.
According to Lisa Alcock, 3M dichroic film had a dramatic influence on her final year project, «I discovered the dichroic film at 100 % Design last year and it has enabled me to produce the wonderful light and colour effects I had envisaged but struggled to create cost effectively.
A rethinking of one particular classic of error research had a dramatic influence on Krueger's thinking.
Beyond offering further proof that single genes can have dramatic influences on longevity, an idea that drew skepticism just a decade ago, the new finding may help scientists explain how severely reducing calorie intake extends life span in a variety of animals (SN: 11/25/00, p. 341: Low - cal diet may reduce cancer in monkeys).
«Clearly there is little consensus about the appropriate policy for treating infants born at low gestational ages, and yet hospital practices regarding the initiation of active intervention have a dramatic influence on rates of survival and survival without impairment,» wrote Neil Marlow, D.M., University College London, in an NEJM editorial that accompanied the research paper.
There is no more obvious demonstration of the dramatic influence of genes on the human body and behavior than to be looking at another person as if you were looking at yourself in the mirror.
This is particularly true in marine ecosystems where the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) have a dramatic influence on fisheries [6], [7].
They are heavy metal chelators, they heal the gut and have a dramatic influence on mental emotional disorders.
If this effect were to persist over the long term, it could have a dramatic influence on body weight over a period of several years.
As a result of extensive meta - analytic work, Marzano, Waters and McNulty concluded: «A highly effective school leader can have a dramatic influence on the overall academic achievement of students... Leadership has long been perceived to be important to the effective functioning of organisations in general and, more recently, of schools in particular.
It was a pretty heavy read but it had quite a dramatic influence on me.
The fact of the matter is your credit score has a dramatic influence on your life.
The writings of Benjamin Graham and David Dodd in Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor have had such a dramatic influence on me: the way I invest; the way I think about finance.
«But more than the volume and variety of work on display during the event, the single greatest achievement of Bushwick Open Studios might be the opportunity it provides for visitors to interact with artists on their own turf, and to observe the dramatic influence that the environment and its creative community have had on one another.»
«Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905 — 2016 explores the ways in which artists have used the moving image to articulate technology's dramatic influence on how we see and experience the world.
One political micro-targetting expert interviewed by The Verge questioned whether knowing a voter's mindset based on Facebook «likes» could really have a dramatic influence amid the «overwhelming wave of data going into people's head» during a political campaign.
He said more than 3000 ads could have reached tens of thousands of users through their Facebook «friends,» causing a dramatic influence on an election narrowly won by Trump in several states.
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