Sentences with phrase «dramatic life changes»

Counseling can help by teaching skills for effective coping and managing the intense emotions which may arise when dramatic life changes occur.
Dealing with a dramatic life changes resulting from a serious spinal injury takes a serious emotional toll, and no one should have to do it alone.
The wheels provide flexibility should dramatic life changes occur; however, the primary focus of this appendix is to create permanent housing.
Whilst this year hasn't seen him face any dramatic life changes, next month he'll be moving to Washington DC for work.
Not dramatic life changes, but simple configurations to make you feel that much better.
Despite being a natural rite of passage for small children, behaviors can also be brought on or exacerbated by what babies consider dramatic life changes, such as:
Tod says anxiety about climate chane and energy depletion prompted the dramatic life change.
A touching tale illustrating how a dramatic life change might, temporarily at least, exact a terrible toll on a frail human psyche.

Not exact matches

On Oct. 28, post-budget, it's not hard to imagine her waking up and looking at her to - do list: (1) Fulfill life and campaign pledges to rein in growth in energy industry and take dramatic action on climate change.
People notice this and in a lot of instances, the impact is dramatic and sometimes even life changing.
Indeed, we are living in an exciting time of dramatic changes in our world.
However, like many Americans I have little savings and will be relying on Social Security for the majority of my income once I stop working unless I make a dramatic change in my life.
All of the robot stories sound similar with a dramatic outcome that changed the life of the founder.
But there's much more in this collection, including a memorable dramatic monologue («The Ghost Seer») taken from his verse play On the Rocks, some religious verse («A Vigil»), and his special mix of unforced sentiment and unassuming humor» best shown, perhaps, in «A Dog's Life»: Accept the things you can not change: / The bleating clock, / The nightly go /» dog leash in tow» / around the block... / Forgive the things you can not have: / the supple bod, / taut undergrads, / a nicer pad, / long chats with God.
At The Lasting Supper, we have managed to create an incredibly safe space to deconstruct, to change your beliefs, to lose or morph your faith, to make dramatic alterations to your life with meaningful support, and to be whoever you are with whatever you think.
Its life and death struggles are obvious and dramatic; it results in changing the course of history are evident and striking.
The dramatic changes which have taken place in the activities and patterns of people's social lives over the past two generations are of major theological significance in themselves.
A seachange can also refer to a radical transformation; a dramatic change in one's life.
This is a dramatic change from the widespread assumption of the past hundred years or more that smoking cigarettes is a remedy for respiratory problems and one of the surest ways to extend life expectancy.
My impression — based, admittedly, on limited experience — is that Dalrymple (and Davenport - Hines) are right about the dramatic change in British public life and national character.
Christian's year of living «gay» leads to dramatic change, sparks controversy Timothy Kurek's motivation to spend a year pretending to be gay can be boiled down to a simple conviction: it takes drastic change to alter deeply held religious beliefs.
Did she really not expect any dramatic changes in her life?
And she explains the life of St. Francis very well - revealing, for example, that the process of change was a gradual thing and that it began with simple gifts to the poor and a real commitment to prayer, and the more dramatic events such as the encounter with the Crucifix at San Damiano came only after this preparation.
This may be in part be cause of the dramatic changes to people's way of life.
The ideas presented might strike one as radical if not impossible, but on page 35 he well makes the case for trying, given the dramatic ways in which family life can be changed through failure.
Ironically, once I had this light bulb moment the «answers» I had been seeking were patently clear, and life has changed in truly dramatic ways.
I found it around this time last year and at the risk of sounding super dramatic, it's pretty life changing I love it!
That one dramatic change in people's lives has a way of changing...
The first time I raised a glass of perfectly pale green and creamy matcha latte to my lips, my life was changed forever, but its not like I'm ever even a teeny tiny one part per million bit of a dramatic person here.
Once in a while, I come across a sauce recipe that I find to be completely life - changing, or, to be a bit less dramatic — able to improve almost every meal I make in my kitchen.
Dr. Gordon's first book, the well - received Good Food Today, Great Kids Tomorrow, offers a life - changing plan for families who want to make dramatic changes in health and fitness through nutrition.
With joy and devotion they express wonder for life and enthusiasm for work, building a strong bridge to later academic learning: Songs and nursery rhymes cultivate intimacy with language building literacy skills; Listening to stories, watching puppet shows and dramatic play strengthen the power of memory and imagination; Counting games and rhythmic activities build a solid foundation for arithmetic and number skills; Work activities develop coordination and the ability to concentrate; Outdoor activities, including play and hiking, encourage healthy physical development and an appreciation of nature and seasonal changes.
It's literally life changing and I'm not even being dramatic!
Ira returns to the story of Kewauna, the Chicago teenager, who talks about the dramatic ways in which she changed her life.
That second statistic may appear less dramatic than the first, but it's actually changing much faster: The percentage of Americans living by themselves has doubled since 1960.
Dr Allan Pacey, a male sexual health expert at Sheffield University, commented: «To see dramatic changes in response to family life is intriguing.
Each year of Zoe's life thus far has seemed like the BIGGEST year yet, with the MOST dramatic changes for her.
American families have undergone dramatic changes in the past five decades, as the share of adults who are married has declined from 72 % in 1960 to about 50 % today.18 Compared with single fathers and fathers who live with a partner, married fathers work longer hours in their job and have the least amount of leisure time.
I knew having another child would forever change my life; I never thought that it would have been changed in such dramatic fashion though.
This psychological metamorphosis often feels like a crisis of identity as new mothers try to adjust to the sudden and dramatic change in their lives.
«It's very difficult, unless you were here and lived through it, to really appreciate the dramatic and in some instances appalling changes that have happened in this neighborhood,» said FAC board member Pat Conway.
«These dramatic cases show that changes in policies — and ensuing changes in substance use — can affect life expectancy, not only over the long term, but abruptly,» says Dr. Rehm.
Climate change could reduce oxygen levels in the oceans by 40 per cent over the next 8000 years, leading to dramatic changes in marine life
«Pregnancy and motherhood are dramatic life - changing events that can have long - lasting repercussions in the brain,» she says.
The twin imperatives of technological advancement and counterterrorism have led to dramatic and possibly irreversible changes in what people can expect to remain of private life.
They define the condition as «a pattern of financial behavior that places an older adult at substantial risk for a considerable loss of resources such that dramatic changes in quality of life would result.»
This effect on some genes may be a result of the buffering effect of living in a complex, interdependent society, where the «collective genome» is less vulnerable to dramatic environmental changes or other external threats, Robinson said.
«There is at present too little known about how marine ecosystems function in the Arctic, let alone how they will respond to the dramatic changes in progress, to prescribe safe harvest levels for living marine resources in the U.S. Arctic,» 43 marine scientists said in a letter to the Council chair.
Sediments from Lake Malawi, in eastern Africa, for example, don't show evidence for a dramatic change in plant life around the time of the eruption.
Eureca, developed by the European Space Agency, highlights a dramatic change in fortune for the science of microgravity — the study of materials and living matter in an environment where the effects of gravity are small.
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