Sentences with phrase «dramatic variations of»

Changes in the meridional circulation over longer periods can explain some of the more dramatic variations of the ampltude of the solar cycle [see e.g.].
The collection reveals the dramatic variations of colour tinting in the postcards, a process that required considerable ingenuity, since each image was tinted individually.
Twenty - five essays covering the wide and dramatic variations of Christian faith and life in South Africa up through the years of apartheid.
«Usually distant galaxies do not change significantly over an astronomer's lifetime, i.e. on a timescale of years or decades,» explains Andrea Merloni, «but this one showed a dramatic variation of its spectrum, as if the central black hole had switched on and off.»

Not exact matches

«Mosquitofish populations with more females have greater ecological impact: Scientists investigating ecological consequences of sexual dimorphism and sex ratio variation in mosquitofish populations found dramatic effects.»
The researchers suggest that the sheer scale of East Asia and dramatic variations in its climate may have prevented the sweeping influence of Neolithic agriculture and the accompanying migrations that replaced hunter - gatherers across much of Europe.
Genes with mammoth - specific changes were most strongly linked to fat metabolism (including brown fat regulation), insulin signaling, skin and hair development (including genes associated with lighter hair color), temperature sensation and circadian clock biology — all of which would have been important for adapting to the extreme cold and dramatic seasonal variations in day length in the Arctic.
Already, it has clearly shown dramatic variations in the thickness of the layers along the cliffsides.
But new genetic studies of ancient DNA from Neandertals have found that they and the last ancestor they shared with humans, about 600,000 years ago, also lacked much genetic variation, which would require at least three dramatic bottlenecks — an improbable scenario.
«This is a dramatic example of how recent human history has profoundly shaped patterns of genetic variation,» said Joshua Akey,...
The finding that bsl1 - 1 and bsl1 - 2 fail to complement and have SNP variation affecting dramatic changes in the coding capacities of the same gene demonstrate that loss of Sevir.7 G140700 function is responsible for the bsl1 mutant phenotypes.
The nutritional environment of developing animals can generate dramatic variation in body size and shape, as well as in their developmental time.
An intriguing variation on The Talented Mr Ripley, this French dramatic thriller holds our attention mainly because of the hugely engaging Romain Duris.
Since then, Brittany has continued to make a name for herself through a variation of roles that range from psychotic dramatic characters to bubbly romantic comedy leads.
A variation of this technique involves highlighting the tremendous profits which will result from projected price movements which are characterized, directly or indirectly, as conservative estimates when, in fact, such price movements would be dramatic.
With thousands of high - grade vineyards to be found across the globe, there are countless variations on the classic wine tasting trip, from Mendoza's lush wine estates to dramatic, mountain - framed vineyards right in the United States.
«In the next Iron Banner, we will debut a much more dramatic difference between players of wide variation in Level.
The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries witnessed the development of the improvisational capriccio and artists such as Jacques Callot, Francisco Goya, and Giovanni Battista Piranesi invented variations on fantastic and dramatic themes in printed series.
This image offers a clear view of the outlines of drips from the new coat of paint and highlights the dramatic variations in sheen across the overpainted area and the surrounding surface.
Much as O'Keeffe came to apply tight, photographic rendering to the sublime emptiness of early, free - flowing watercolors like Light Coming on the Plains (1917), Hollowell brings high contrast resolution to her cleanly fabricated forms, using dramatic variations in dark and light to emphasize surface curvature and suggest deep space.
They include dramatic variations in scale, abrupt cropping of images, and such subtle artifices as appearing to place his subjects in a luxuriant outdoor setting, which is, in reality, another Katz painting.
Subtle variations of color and contour suggest the pervasive presence of light and air while Grossman quietly punctuates the space with dramatic shapes of transient clouds, winding waterways, glowing sun bursts or glassy reflections.
We now know that to be false — not because of the natural long - term variations in climate (to which you refer and which water planners could safely ignore), but to new, short - term dramatic changes that result from human - induced climate change.
Most importantly the scaling: While the shape of the curve looks a lot like the temperature trend over the last 400 years, note that the entire variation from the low to the high point is only about 0.25 % — the scaling makes it look more dramatic.
If it were possible to switch off the radiative properties of the atmosphere the land surface would suffer far more dramatic diurnal temperature variations but the troposphere would heat dramatically.
The new study tracks the correlation of carbon isotope variation and volcanic eruptions from the 19th century until recent years, and shows the dramatic reduction in available sunlight in 536 as well as between 541 and 544 CE.
Dramatic variations in temperature — that is, extremes of heat, or cold snaps — will hit the poorest nations hardest.
Many of the transitions in the DO and Bond cycles were rapid and abrupt, and they are being studied intensely by paleoclimatologists and Earth system scientists to understand the driving mechanisms of such dramatic climatic variations.
The size of unprocessed transaction fees making up the mempool had expanded and fallen in dramatic cycles over the past year, leading to significant variation on transaction fee requirements.
Nonetheless, ethnogeographer Jared Diamond points to the dramatic variation that exists, even in the contemporary world, among parenting practices emanating from this differentiated and particular view of childhood (Diamond 2012).
Evaluating the impact of combinations of factors and variations often reveals significant interaction effects that can have a dramatic impact on your conversion goal.
I like the variations from subtle color changes to a few dramatic changes (such as the more vibrant blue color of my office).
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