Sentences with phrase «drank diet soda»

In a study that ran from 1979 to 1996, researchers found from a sample of nearly 750 people age 65 or older, that those who drank diet soda on a daily basis had a 70 % greater increase in waist size than people who drank it less regularly or not at all.
In George W. Bush's first exam as president, his doctor noted he enjoyed the occasional cigar, drank diet soda and ran 12 miles a week.
Some studies show that when people drink diet soda, they engage in what's known as «cognitive distortion,» deciding that since they saved on liquid calories they can splurge elsewhere — the «diet coke and fries» order.
I loved the mini-bar (and they fill with whatever you want within reason - we only drink diet soda and they filled it with that instead of regular and we had a baby so they always put a fresh container of milk every morning).
In fact, my husband even stopped drinking diet soda due to the articles he read about their adverse effects.
If you're still drinking diet soda, you might want to have your head examined, and perhaps get a bone - density test while you're at it.
Also Chromium is important and is often deficient in our diets, especially if we drink diet sodas with aspartame.
Many people who drink diet soda are trying to lose (or keep off) weight by eating healthier, and they may turn to the sweetness of diet soda for comfort as they scale back on sugar, carbohydrates, and other satisfying foods — much like a heroin addict who steps down to Oxycontin, Dr. Urschel says.
Many people who chain - drink diet soda may be caffeine addicts who simply prefer soda to coffee or energy drinks, though diet soda doesn't provide much of a kick by comparison.
By mid-childhood (age 7), kids whose moms drank diet sodas while pregnant had poorer verbal abilities, the study findings reported.
Drinking diet soda has been associated with a 67 % greater risk of type 2 diabetes and a 34 % increased risk of metabolic syndrome.
In May of 2014, the journal Obesity published a «scientific» study saying that drinking diet sodas assists in weight loss.
I start my day with 3 glasses of water, but then after that I have the bad habit of drinking diet soda.
You may also drink diet soda, but within moderation.
«There are no studies that indicate any long - term health risks from drinking diet soda.
(And obese people who drink diet soda, stay obese....)
Agreed, I have stopped drinking diet sodas, not because of the reasons stated above, but because Sodium and Potassium Benzoate in the presence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and sunlight can produce benzene, a known carcinogen.
In fact, before you reach for another can, you might want to get up to speed on the latest research, which shows that drinking diet soda results in an increased risk of vascular events such as stroke, heart attack, and vascular death.i
Another reason for weight gain from drinking diet drinks is that people may subconsciously think that because they are drinking a diet soda, that gives them more leeway to eat more of everything else, hence consuming more calories overall.
Many diet soda drinkers think that they have leeway to eat more of everything else BECAUSE they drink diet soda and end up eating more calories overall.
You should NOT drink diet soda on the Military Diet.
In one study, people who drank two or more diet sodas a day experienced waist size increases that were six times greater than those of people who didn't drink diet soda.
If you regularly drink diet soda and use artificial sweeteners because you think it will help you lose weight, you're unwittingly sabotaging your efforts.
If that isn't enough to scare you, think about the results of another study: people who drank more than 21 diet drinks per week were twice as likely to become overweight or obese than those who didn't drink diet soda.
If you want to put milk in your coffee, or drink diet soda occasionally while fasting, I'm not going to stop you.
That said, I do generally agree with your sentiment in the sense that: I would say that eating margarine because it seems to have less calories than butter is akin to drinking diet soda for a calorie reduction — seems pretty stupid because ultimately there are so many gotchas on the product that even if there is a calorie difference, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Millions of people drink diet soda in the belief they're preventing weight gain, and the soda industry invests millions of dollars to perpetuate this belief.
- Women who drank diet sodas consumed twice as much as those who drank sugar - sweetened sodas because artificial sweeteners are more addictive than regular soda
Water should be your go - to replacement for soda, and I don't recommend drinking diet soda as it can bring back cravings for sweets.
Read more about why you should stop drinking diet soda Another consideration is a possible link between sodium benzoate and ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder).
Despite its concerns about the risk posed by artificial sweeteners, CSPI says consumers who drink soda are still probably better off drinking diet soda than sugar - sweetened soda, which poses the greater and demonstrable risks of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, gout, tooth decay, and other health problems.
Drinking diet soda and other low - calorie drinks may help you manage weight, but experts say plain old H2O is still the best way to go.
Drinking a diet soda with pizza, wearing black socks with Bermuda shorts, and Einstein's Theory of Relativity are a few of the notions I will never comprehend.
My five minute routine starts with opening and drinking the diet soda that my hubby lovely leaves by my bedside when he gets up in the morning... a little bit before me.
I was so impacted that I started telling everyone I knew about the risks of chemicals in the home, of drinking diet sodas, of eating diet foods and using any products that had words you couldn't pronounce.

Not exact matches

Slumping demand for diet sodas sold by PepsiCo and Coca Cola propelled a decline for the broader industry, as overall sales of carbonated soft drinks dropped for the 11th consecutive year in the U.S.
Americans are increasingly cutting sugar out of their diets, meaning that they're drinking less of sugary sodas.
And to make matters worse, another study revealed that daily diet soda drinkers grow about two - and - a-half more inches of belly fat each decade than those who don't drink the stuff.
I was having a snack and drinking diet chocolate soda (Do they even still make chocolate soda?)
Don't drink diet pop (soda for any American readers)!
«There is seriously something wrong with a scheme where a diet soda drink ranks better than drinking milk,» he added.
When I realized my youngest (10) loves diet coke... well we drink almost no soda anymore.
These items included potato chips (crisps)(includes corn chips but not savoury crackers or pretzels), chocolate (either as chocolate bars, blocks, boxes or bags), confectionery (candy)(excluding mints and chewing gum) and soft drinks (soda)(both diet and regular).
We're all aware of the dangers of a high - sugar diet; turns out, sugar - sweetened beverages like soda and energy drinks account for ONE THIRD of the added sugar Americans consume every year!
And even now, three years later, there are so many other sources of sugar in kids» diets I'd rather address first, such as the ubiquitous but completely «empty - calorie» sports drinks and sodas many kids consume on a regular basis.
ICYMI: Last Thursday, Philadelphia became the first major American city to pass a tax on sugary drinks and diet sodas.
Whether regular or diet, soda provides absolutely no nutrients, and filling up on either type means babies eat and drink less of the nutritious food their bodies really need.
This is the age when soda and even sugary coffee shop drinks can start to creep into their diet.
Drop the soda pop (diet and regular) and drink water (add lemon for extra metabolism boosting effects) or green tea throughout the day to properly hydrate yourself.
Watch out for hidden sources of caffeine in your child's diet, such as chocolate, tea, or soda drinks, and coffee - flavored desserts.
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