Sentences with phrase «drawn up»

A partner in a civil union can inherit under the same conditions as a spouse in a married couple, but his partner must have drawn up a will and designated him as the heir.
He had a personal and eirenic letter drawn up, in the form of a safe conduct requesting Luther to come to the Diet.
A list drawn up by a Buddhist would be likely to overlap with, but differ from, a list drawn up by a Muslim.
The Instructions were developed into a formal text for the most part drawn up by Melancthon, but with an Introduction by Luther which harped on the State backing.
Numerous official synods and programmes had been drawn up to curb the abuses of moneyraising through Indulgences, and a wide variety of corrupt practices.
But this was in turn followed by a further reaction from the militant minority at the Diet, a «Protest» drawn up by the reforming group.
The city council has drawn up plans to put the heart of Amsterdam through an «extreme makeover» over the next 10 years.
It adopted a confession of faith based on one drawn up by Calvin and a form of organization which was to have a marked effect upon churches of the Reformed family in the Netherlands, Scotland, and America.
In 1536 what was called the First Helvetic Confession was drawn up, followed by the Second Helvetic Confession (1562 - 1564), which long remained standard for many of the Reformed.
So mention the name of Allah over them when they are drawn up in lines.
This phase of the design process usually begins before the blueprints are drawn up or the ground is broken.
The Empire State Building crusades are being drawn up now.
To the extent that we have drawn up the barricades and fired out angry salvoes, no.
For example, a proposal has been drawn up for a series of satellite experiments to obtain the ultraviolet spectrum of tight from the sun, which would be valuable astronomical data.
Two Massachusetts Institute of Technology economists have drawn up a detailed technical assistance plan, of which they say:
At an important meeting at Utrecht, Holland, in 1938, a constitution was drawn up for the World Council providing for goals and representation.
U.S. military rules specifically prohibit the proselytizing of any religion in Iraq or Afghanistan and were drawn up in order to prevent criticism that the U.S. was embarked on a religious «Crusade» in its war against al Qaeda and Iraqi insurgents...
Any restrictions will be drawn up so that those who keep weapons for a legitimate purpose, such as cultural items or antiques, are not penalised.
They are, as it were, the grammatical rules we have drawn up from observing the regular procedures of the world.
Some individuals find it necessary to modify or discard the ancient confessions of belief, while the Church as a whole continues to be able to assert them in their original form and in the sense in which they were first drawn up; or, the majority may gradually abandon them while certain individuals continue to find them useful and to cherish them.
But those are the letters we've drawn up.
The leaders had covenants drawn up for future members to sign so they could not sue.
All humans are sons and daughters in the Son, all humans are under the energy of the Spirit, and all humans are being drawn up by the Father.
Petitions protesting the trial, signed by hundreds of notable and influential figures, were drawn up in virtually every Western country.
Orthodoxies of all kinds often become viciously intolerant because they claim their formulations or creeds to be eternal Truth (drawn up at some time, however!).
The Nolan report, commissioned by the cardinal in 2001 and drawn up by the retired Roman Catholic law lord, led to a stringent set of guidelines to prevent child abuse in the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
Serious discussion on the unity and mission was started in the ecumenical movement with the declaration drawn up by the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches at its meeting in Rolle, Switzerland in 1951.23 One of the main subjects on the agenda of the Committee was: The Missionary and Ecumenical Calling of the Church.
The foes are drawn up ready and waiting for the signal to attack.
They then point out that nobody can «woo» or «entice» water from a well; it has to be drawn up irresistibly (Sproul, Grace Unknown, 36).
The new plan, drawn up by the existing bishops and backed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu, will be presented...
She said plans had been drawn up after the Tories pledged to lift the cap to open 40 to 50 new Catholic schools, including eight in East Anglia.
The Bill explicitly says that the Code should be drawn up in such a way that every member of the Church in Wales might feel secure.
In the 189os the dictator, Porfirio Diaz, had commemorative dinner plates drawn up showing his face and that of Juárez along with the Virgin of Guadalupe, a clear instance of how politics makes strange bedfellows.
He would be the Caesar of a Jewish empire no less universal than the Roman; though it would be fair to say that the program drawn up for the «Son of David» in literature not far in date from the time of Jesus has more about justice and moral reformation than about bread and circuses.
While Morelos's Constitution of Apatzingán was never put into practice, the plan of Iguala (1821), drawn up by Iturbide after independence, also confirmed the official status of Catholicism as the state religion and denied toleration to all other religions.32 The war for independence, in other words, was reasonably conservative in purpose, especially with respect to the church.
In 1895 an impressive Bible conference was held at Niagara Falls where a fighting creed of fundamentals was drawn up.
Mr Peres argued that a United Religions Charter should be drawn up, which would make it clear that «cutting people's throats or committing mass killings, as we have seen in these weeks, has nothing to do with religion.»
Simultaneously there arose in my mind the image of an epileptic patient whom I had seen in the asylum, a black - haired youth with greenish skin, entirely idiotic, who used to sit all day on one of the benches, or rather shelves against the wall, with his knees drawn up against his chin, and the coarse gray undershirt, which was his only garment, drawn over them inclosing his entire figure.
Two priority lists should be drawn up — one of unmet mental health needs within the church and the other of unmet needs in the community.
A formal letter was drawn up to announce the decision of the Jerusalem church and was sent back to Antioch by two emissaries, Judas Barsabbas and Silas, both prophets, along with Paul and Barnabas, beloved by the church because they had risked their lives for Jesus Christ.
Why was an immortal spirit placed in the world and in time, just as the fish is drawn up out of the water and cast upon the beach?»
The Four Irrevocable Directives identified in the Declaration Toward A Global Ethic, which was drawn up at the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions, may serve as a guide to this discussion.
But it is common knowledge that laws can be so drawn up as to justify violence.
The «dirty dozen» turned out to be a blacklist of cardinals drawn up by an American victims group which claims they failed to take a stand in child abuse scandals.
He has drawn up general plans for dozens of varied and beautiful arcologies.
Those countries were taken from a 2016 list drawn up by the Obama administration — not because they were Muslim, but because they were «countries of concern» for terrorist travel prevention.
At the close of the last century, as the reckoning was drawn up in Europe for the actions and reactions of the twentieth century, could we not have been forgiven for tending a little toward the view that we had, after everything, acquitted ourselves rather well?
The Constitution of the Faith Movement has been drawn up to safeguard the uniqueness of that identity and vision.
I see a lot of benefits of this in that people think more carefully about what they want to do cos its not as simple and the details are drawn up by the partners to be.
If the future pan-Orthodox Council is to have historical significance, its leaders will have to transcend their personal resentments, stop looking after the self - interest of their respective ecclesial fiefdoms, and go beyond the haphazard list of items drawn up decades ago.
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