Sentences with phrase «dread diseases which»

coverage from 10 specified dread diseases which is incase Insured is diagnosed with any of the below mentioned diseases, an additional benefit will be paid to the insured.

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ELM trees can now be «vaccinated» against Dutch elm disease, the dreaded blight which has wiped out tens of millions of elms around the world.
This can lead to the dreaded chronic inflammation, which is a precursor to many chronic Western diseases.
Choose our Disablement Premium Waiver option, which pays the premiums of your pure life and dread disease policy on your behalf for a period of up to five years if you become disabled and the full cover amount of your disablement policy is paid out
In a future America, the population has been decimated by a mysterious disease, leaving only a few tribes governed by youths who dread the fatal sickness known as «posies,» which afflicts everyone by their late teens.
However, with an increase in dogs living into advanced years, there is also an increase in the incidence of the diseases that strike in the winter of our companions» lives, one of which is the ever - dreaded cancer.
By supporting ASHGI financially you can aide researchers as they work to gain vital insights which could lead to DNA screening, improved diagnosis, better treatments, and even cures for those dogs who do develop these dread diseases.
There are wild animals, which may be vicious, poisonous or carriers of dread diseases.
Critical illness insurance, otherwise known as critical illness cover or a dread disease policy, is an insurance product in which the insurer is contracted to typically make a lump sum cash payment if the policyholder is diagnosed with one of the specific illnesses on a predetermined list as part of an insurance policy.
While financial planners are of the view that one is better off buying a critical illness cover, which covers several major ailments in one policy, industry insiders say that a disease - specific policy like cancer cover should be considered as it offers more comprehensive cover against this dreaded ailment at an affordable price.
Diagnosis of Critical illness or dread disease is a life threatening disease which disturbs the normal life of a person.
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