Sentences with phrase «dreariness of»

What a great way to dream through the remaining dreariness of winter!
The colors of spring are a joy to see after the dreariness of winter.
Open blinds and curtains and turn on interior lights to reduce the pervasive dreariness of winter months.
You want virtual vistas that take your breath away, rich imaginary worlds that pull you away from the dreariness of reality.
The dreariness of the game comes as a surprise given how lively its description is on the PlayStation Store.
The ambience and atmosphere of Hoodwink is furthered by the use of cel - shaded visuals which brighten up the typical dreariness of dystopian settings, particularly in the industrial setting of Hoodwink's main story arc.
Given the general dreariness of Star Trek Into Darkness, and the fact that J.J. Abrams was handing the reins over to director Justin Lin, there was little reason to expect much from the third film in this rebooted series.
Sylvio has an undercurrent of sadness to him, someone who wants to escape the dreariness of life and embrace the promises childhood makes to us all — fame, fortune, love and happiness.
As eagerly as I anticipated this movie, my hopes were quickly dashed by the flatness and dreariness of the production.
He loves the isolation and heat of Spain, in contrast to the dreariness of London.
From the hopeful spirit of Spider - Man: Homecoming to the dreariness of Justice League, there were plenty of films about iconic characters saving the day.
They can have a strangely addictive quality despite the general dreariness of the gameplay.
Your film is about lovers who meet in a dream so unlike the dreariness of their real lives.
It was a year we all wanted to be entertained than have to face the dreariness of our normal lives, what with the wars and the economy tanking, The Hangover, for better or worse, was the movie we went to when we needed a laugh.
Some of this has to do with the dreariness of the winter months, researchers think: We just have a whole lot of time after the holidays to mess around on the computer.
I love the freshness of Spring and the green beauty that unfolds after the dreariness of winter.
Finally, the dreariness of winter is behind us.
And the same is true of those custom - fitted spiritualities — «New Age,» occult, pantheist, «Wiccan,» or what have you — by which many of us now divert ourselves from the quotidien dreariness of our lives.
Pascal was right when he saw that such entertainment was perfectly legitimate in and of itself, when it helped one recover from the drudge and dreariness of the daily grind.
The dreariness of the concrete bunker can not withstand the explosive power of genuine happiness wedded to truth, and Benedict's critics know this.

Not exact matches

Sometimes it is mere passive joylessness and dreariness, discouragement, dejection, lack of taste and zest and spring.
Oh the thought of the dreariness to come with the cold weather is something I'm not looking forward to either.
I like to think I am the bright starburst against a sea of grey in winter, cause I just can't help but burst forth in as much color as humanly possible to combat the cold dreariness.
It offers enough comedy to avoid dreariness and enough tension to avoid campiness thanks to the performances of Caan and Bates.
City by the Sea is a terrible movie all around, one with a visual philosophy that seems to be structured around some kind of combination of wet dreariness and vérité jitteriness.
Miscarriage, murder, poverty, and endemic racism, all set in a brackish sea of dreariness, is enough to make a body despair of humanity.
Act one is a deliberate mix of banality and dreariness, with Michael lovelessly speaking to his wife and son back home and staring into the space that is his beautifully bland hotel room.
Twilight Time's recent Blu - ray release really captures the dreariness and dread of postwar London as evoked by Denys Coop's understated cinematography.
As characters make their way past large conifers and sip Big Red soda the mashup is a welcome one, the rainy dreariness a fine imitative harmony to much of the spirits of those showcased.
This exhibition of spectacular visual poetry lurking beneath an incessant dreariness at the film's core should come as no surprise to those familiar with the previous works of Wolfe and Ryan.
As the doggie puke mounts (to the sounds of «Claire de Lune»), the dachshund is sent to her next date with dreariness.
According to our Tribeca review from Rodrigo Perez, the film «is vignette - driven, but also classicist in structure,» with an effectiveness at «mining the comedy in dreariness» that's as reminiscent of «Office Space» as it is of Altman.
Placing a landmark and listening to the chilled music will help with the frustration that this game may hold in the future... though in the later game, you'll get a sense of dreariness.
However, immediately after setting such a dark tone, the five stories you are then given each show you that under the fog of death and dreariness there were also a lot of personal and often times uplifting stories that played out.
Its major current show, Conceptual Art in Britain 1964 - 1979, is the epitome of elitist dreariness.
I now can at least appreciate the season and try to think of it as a way to «cozy up» my home, rather than a time of dreariness.
On those greyest of gloomiest days, I look outside my kitchen window and see the dark, gnarled and sculptural bare limbs of a century old tree, and I am grateful for the beauty it provides amid the dreariness and for the warm nest from which I admire it.
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