Sentences with phrase «dreck like»

I believe that people like Rose give skepticism a bad name — as to «skeptics» who defend dreck like that Rose writes.
The same applied to lesser - known titles adapted from comics like «The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,» which was also a Fox property based off a comic book series written by Alan Moore that was such a bad film it practically sent him to an early grave and hastened Sean Connery «s retirement (of course, we're not even counting dreck like Warner Bros.» «Catwoman «-RRB-.
It's now unfairly seen as one of his worst films, a title to be uttered amongst dreck like the ill - advised sequels Caddyshack II and Fletch Lives, not to mention Nothing But Trouble, Cops and Robbersons, and Man of the House.
might in fact be wasting our hard earned money on dreck like this.
It's no wonder that, after years of dreck like Horrible Bosses and We're The Millers, the actress decided it was time to go big or go home.
Still, Very Bad Things isn't a terrible movie - it certainly isn't in the same league as puerile dreck like Mary.

Not exact matches

Now wait for it: Unreal Stupidity and Redundant Retard will post some crap about this being a «national crisis» in which the government would be justified in overturning all rights to privacy under HIPAA, just like he did the last time he posted this moronic dreck.
That's the sort of dreck pundits and TV commentators dredge up to make themselves look like that have insights into the complex workings of English football.
If your daughter, niece, or grandchild is a Barbie fan already, a title like Barbie: I Can Be A Computer Engineer might catch your eye, but don't be deceived: as The Mary Sue reports, this book is a big a pile of sexist dreck as you're likely to find in the bookstore.
I can feel sweet in something one day and put on the exact same thing a week later and feel like dreck.
The movie Was absolute dreck for reals... there were good elements, but everything felt like it was pasted together, no character interactions beyond the surface and the vfx save for the Pegasus and kracken were uniformly terrible.
It is educational, heartfelt, and adds immeasurably to the enjoyment of the film, although as with New Line's excellent Infinifilm format, my wish is for the studios to reserve such treatment for films that actually deserve it instead of formula dreck with questionable scholarly value like Driven and Blow.
And just as «Dexter» wastes the wonderful Michael C. Hall in its title role (ditto «Weeds» / Mary - Louise Parker), so, too, does another bit of Showtime dreck, «Dead Like Me», boast the excellent Ellen Muth and Mandy Patinkin in the pursuit of decidedly modest returns.
I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I'll wager that almost anything you pull out will contain just as much thought and entertainment at a fraction of the cost in money and your time as this half - baked dreck.
Seeing the similar books you have out already, I'd like to suggest that you also do one on Z movies, stuff like «Plan 9» and «Robot Monster», as well as more recent dreck.
I'd like to tear down these bits of dreck, but there's something really ugly going on in them that requires a more serious treatment.
The ones who thought — erroneously — that pumping out volumes of dreck would be like planting their own, personal money tree will eventually fade away.
Besides traditional publisher produce a lot dreck themselves unless you think derivative novels like the hunger games are the height of literature
Dreck of this stupendous caliber has a particular advantage over literature in that one doesn't have to read all of it to surmise, accurately and eternally, that it is all uniformly awful and awfully uniform — romance novels, like racists, tend to be the same wherever you turn.
No, it's not perfect, and like most writers there are things I'd go back and change, but it's not dreck — it is a story that, whether hated or loved by readers, deserved to be told — and after spending most of my life writing, I am not a «wannabe.»
I'll take that any day over knowing my book, one I know people would buy because they've been buying other books like it that I've written, was overlooked by publishers for the sort of dreck they bought from Sean Penn..
Perhaps you'd like to judge the content as dreck — e.g. certain kinds of romance novels, sales pamphlets, get rich schemes.
Yeah, like you'd have the mental capacity to know what true value is, enjoying so much purely average dreck.
Whereas this sequel has many different locales that serve to keep the game a tad fresh and keeps it from feeling like mindless dreck.
Here's the problem: Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram and all the other social media dreck exacerbates the pitch - black divide between what I thought my life would be like after law school, and how it has turned out so far.
If you feel like streaming a movie and don't want to waste your time on dreck, we've rounded up the best movies on HBO.
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