Sentences with phrase «dreck looking»

When no agent has sorted through that pile of dreck looking for the rare gem, then the reader has to do that job herself.

Not exact matches

That's the sort of dreck pundits and TV commentators dredge up to make themselves look like that have insights into the complex workings of English football.
Read the original work instead, as whatever you envision in your mind's eye has to look better than this dreck.
Fortunately, we've got a reasonable mix of this sort of dreck alongside several very interesting looking thrillers with solid ensembles.
Sure, there's also all kinds of dreck on the way, but the cinematic landscape for 2013 looks enormously exciting, from $ 200 million blockbusters to tiny indie pictures.
In lieu of taking in this weekend's Prom Night, or other dreck at the theater, one might be advised to simply enjoy an analytical look back at the story of the original, very Canadian slasher film, from 1980, and its desperate stabs at Americanization.
Add to that the footwells will look dingy with all the shoe dreck.
Yes, there is a great deal of dreck in self - published books, but have you taken a really good look at trad pubbed books lately?
Large publishers look at Kindle Unlimited and think, «not a threat to me, those books are all dreck
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