Sentences with word «drek»

The Boy was a scarless piece of drek with a terrible twist and horrible overtones while The Forest only managed to make everyone involved look worse.
I've got no problem with drek not being paid for by Amazon, especially when they're kind enough to post it on a sales page for any author with fantasies.
Gamers will hate this game because of the weak attempt to use sex appeal in order to sell this hollow drek as a worthy purchase.
But just - miss drek like Doubt and Revolutionary Road, would have got in as well.
But, just mentioning a self - publishing credit to an agent or publisher will bring to the forefront ideas of horribly written & edited slush - pile drek.
I read your script, could have been a fantasy movie like DeathStalker or other B rated drek, I know.
If you want to be an elitist, you need to throw some unexpected drek a positive review here or there.
Lawrence Olivier had the same habit when he appeared in drek.
Lie after lie after lie and, yes, endless streams of creepy, self - indulgent drek.
As with the Panda update, Internet Marketers will scream, but for readers and authors producing print books and quality Kindle books, it will help differentiate our stuff from the sea of PLR drek.
droid with a verizon network extender and my employer's 19 % corporate discount is too compelling to resist against the current drek i'm experiencing.
It's the queens of the tall office buildings that push drek that treats me, the reader with that kind of contempt.
I'm sure there are exit scenarios in the contact, so that if he starts writing drek they can dump him.
Do you think it will become a morass of self - published drek as it develops, or is it going to become a juggernaut to be reckoned with?
If you've read any of my books — regardless whether you thought they were terrific, mediocre, or complete drek — could I ask you to take a few minutes and leave an honest rating and review on your favorite book site (Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, etc)?
If we were just selling commodified drek, I doubt if anyone would've paid much attention.
Nobody has time for mediocre drek.
According to Coker, who so humbly describes self - publishing as a «global movement,» in his post said, «Critics say self publishing is causing a tsunami of drek that will destroy book culture and render the best books undiscoverable.
The that drek like that even gets published, yet alone pushed into best sellerdom is a statement as to what is wrong with the system.
Come on, Hollywood, give us movies with people of substance with decent values, not this drek.
This show really proves how important writing and character development are, when you look at Dean Norris» performance as Hank in Breaking Bad and compare that to the drek he must deliver as Big Jim in UTD.
I hope in some fashion you regain the time lost watching that drek.
I don't WANT to be lumped in with all the drek.
Since I began writing for publication, I recognized that curation of some kind is needed to deal with the drek / discoverability problem.
Self - publishers have produced a lot of drek, after all.
As for the author referred to in the post, she needs to understand that if traditional publishing puts out drek, then it stands to reason that there are great indie authors out there.
Mostly because several of my reviewers have said that my first book was similar to Jim Butcher, and as an indy, that could almost mean that mine was the offending «drek
I've read a lot of good indie books recently that are much better than the drek being spewed at me by the publishers for the last 20 years.
Sad that there are so few in proportion to the drek and that (for good reason) authors of well - written books can not write quickly enough to satisfy me.
I can see how some might feel that's entrepreneurial and free enterprise, and how eventually people may tire of wading through the drek and turn to reviews or recommendations to choose their reading material, it also floods the market with cheap fiction.
The extremely low «cost of entry» to create an ebook means that your ebook has to compete with a whole lot of drek.
It's sometimes hard to remember that great games still exist... like glorious tropical islands amidst an ocean of drek.
Meanwhile, the resurrected Nazi regime was renamed the «DREK» empire — perhaps a sign that the folks localizing the game didn't think very highly of such censorship?
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