Sentences with phrase «drift nets»

Drift nets are large fishing nets that float in the water, catching fish as they drift along. Full definition
The legal maximum length of drift nets in waters under the jurisdiction of the European Union is 2.5 kilometres.
Vigfússon and NASF's branches in the UK and Northern Ireland brokered agreements to buy out the remaining drift nets in partnership with the authorities.
The so - called «walls of death» drift nets used in the Pacific, which can sometimes extend for 50 kilometres, inadvertently catch large numbers of whales, seabirds and unwanted fish.
The price of television advertising, marketing's most effective drift net, has outpaced inflation for years, making attention - getting an increasingly expensive strategy.
The Spanish accused the French of using dolphin - unfriendly drift nets.
The Spaniards were calling foul to the British drift nets.
FISHING boats using illegal drift nets are threatening the survival of dolphins, sharks and loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean Sea.
[4] Gillnet fishing commonly involves using static or drifting nets with a mesh size (or holes) narrow enough to trap fish.
1 of Drifting Net Cafe (A Case Suitable for Treatment) TSOTE on vol.
Up until the early 1990s dolphins were highly impacted by gill net and drift net fisheries, many of which are now permanently closed.
It is assumed that since the fourteenth century, the adoption of new fishing methods (such as the tonnara, a sort of drift net mainly used for tuna fishing) in the Western Mediterranean, their spread to southern Italy [261], [262], and their introduction to the Adriatic in the seventeenth century [261], [263] increase fishing catches.
Armed with nylon gill nets and drift nets and a court order issued in May 1961 that gives them the run of their «usual and accustomed» happy fishing grounds, the Indians descended on the unsuspecting steelhead, day in and day out, and en masse.
Britain's drift nets are similar to the French ones but include dolphin excluders because tuna are often to be found in association with dolphins.
The European Commission, however, wants to take things further and to restrict the use of «all drift net fishing activities causing ecological difficulties», and hopes to get all such nets phased out by 1997.
Not all drift nets are so destructive and some can be far more selective than trawl nets, whose activities go relatively unregulated.
The Spanish claimed that the French were using drift nets that contravened both the UN resolution to ban high seas drift nets and the regulations proposed by the European Commission.
The French in turn poured scorn on the Spanish for using an archaic technology, and claimed that their drift nets, which have a mesh of 180 millimetres and, until the European Union's restrictions of 2.5 kilometres came into force, were on average 7 kilometres long, do not kill significant numbers of dolphins.
Sports fishermen target it, and it is also sometimes killed as by - catch in drift nets and longline fishing.
Polluting discharges and drift nets, which may drown tens of thousands of dolphins each year, would be banned from a reserve.
One threat to molas is drift nets, which they often get caught in, and garbage s... Read More
Based on an event that took place near San Francisco in 2005, this picture book depicts a humpback whale swimming, diving, and feeding freely until she becomes entangled in abandoned, drifting nets.
I would like to see more control over «lost» drift nets and long lines.
But it is the drift net fishing approach, tangling up in its nets those who want their rights determined.
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