Sentences with phrase «drippy when»

Not exact matches

Like yesterday when I read what Mark Driscoll said about some wives being drippy faucets used for water torture:
Fresh, rich flavor has never been easier when you have pesto, a good burger, avocado and a drippy egg.
And just when you can't take one more drippy - forehead day of broiling humidity, Fall arrives with blue skies and crisp breezes and jeans weather.
Maybe the stars aligned and we were with the right people in the right place on the right night when a drippy, chocolatey dessert arrived and the rest of the night became a blur.
However, there are definitely times when I do miss that little bit of bread whether it be toast with my drippy yolks in the morning or for dabbing in a bit of olive oil and red wine vinegar.....
When her drippy boyfriend Anthony (Mark Webber) proposes, Megan goes into a tailspin and decides to run away from it all.
When was the last time you saw an earnest, honest - to - god romance that wasn't drippy, Nicholas Sparks fare?
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