Sentences with phrase «drivel posted»

I'm sure you are aware of the drivel posted on climateaudit — [] and wattsupwiththat
I'm sure you are aware of the drivel posted on climateaudit — .....
I didn't even go to whats - his - face - from - the - Denver - Post's Twitter to read the drivel he posted today.
nice address, for some reason that seems like itd be the exact place you'd live with all the drivel you post.
I must have missed this historic event in the mounds of drivel you post.

Not exact matches

Instead of posting your incoherent drivel.
Equality by itself is meaningless post modern drivel.
Is it so wrong of me to have faith that only one person believes in the drivel that he's posting rather than think that another person a) actually thinks that chad is making good points and good enough points to post and b) go to the 62nd page of an almost defunct article for a conversation that has nothing to do with themselves other than to cheer on a stupid post?
Try to actually comprehend what you read before you post some ill - informed drivel.
good site that covers much of this material already — at least read the basics before you go and post your drivel.
It appears that CNN's «drivel - meter» was not working in your post...
To help our readers wade through this drivel, I've posted what Keller wrote followed by a «translation» of what he I think he really meant:
Go to «Aryan Brotherhood Crackpots Exposed» and see how many aliases one guy can come up with in a single day to post the same drivel over and over again.
nah, If you would open an Anthropology text book, (try the one for 5th graders), you would not post such drivel.
You have seen hundreds and thousands of posts from other fundiots spewing the «evolutionist claim we came from monkeys» drivel.
Perhaps, behind a screen, it's easier to spread such drivel without consequence; surely, after posting that mess, you must feel at least a little bigoted?
Sam, I posted truth; you call it drivel.
This is the 3rd or 4th time you've posted this same drivel word for word.
I have observed that whenever some bozo posts drivel that concludes with such pronouncements as: wake up, people; case closed; nuff said, and the like, the content of said posts is most likely bullsh1t.
This guy is just taking up precious blog feed by posting a bunch of worthless drivel that took place earlier.
None of your posts are worth squat, merely pointing out your proclivity to parrot senseless drivel.
Hey A Your religious beliefs and faith have become a serious addiction as seen by your obsession of posting the same drivel over and over again, trolling, with never a new thought.
The atheists are never tired of posting the same drivel from the
Balloon, posting the same nonsensical drivel under another name doesn't change the fact that it's nonsensical drivel.
Rachel, what you think are excellent points by Chad are in fact drivel that he has posted numerous times and that have been completely shredded just as many times.
She didn't have to write this drivel or have it posted.
Yet here it is posting the same drivel over and over.
The post I was hashing out, the several stories I'd been revising, the ideas that were just paragraphs of drivel waiting for something more, the photos - thousands and thousands of photos from the last ten years, my entire iPhoto library, our trip to the Grand Canyon, my mom's wedding, our vacation to Guatemala and Costa Rica, the random shots that didn't make it to Instagram, the pictures of flowers and autumn leaves and Jammer and us and nothing and everything.
Daily star will print and post anything to sell their papers and get their drivel read online.
Concentrate on doing your job a bit better and spare us the constant stream of post match Lamentations (I know busine $ $ dictates a constant stream of useless drivel).
You knew your inent when posting that drivel... Own it.
Mike, in response to the ridiculous and laughable drivel that was posted by some of our trolls the other night, I said I was done for the year doing Post Game Thoughts.
I have rambled on about total drivel (usually) for 200 posts!
Very typical of the post Gen X bullshit touted by self - proclaimed «arthouse» auteurs in the 90s, the biggest tragedy of this pointless load of self - satisfied yet irrelevant and vacuous drivel is the fact that there are now two wasted hours of my life I will never get back.
While the racial, social, political, and economic consequences of poorly performing schools are innumerable and harsh, they won't be felt by Burris who earned $ 268,000 as a principal; or Ravitch who became a fierce public school advocate only after her children completed private school; or Valerie Strauss — another private school parent — who uses her Washington Post real estate to bolster all the drivel teachers» unions send her (without mentioning her connection to communication contracts with labor).
This is the third time you've posted this drivel... the last time you responded to me directly, you should have used an editor because you're writing is atrocious, yet you still make a living at it?
Controversy brings people here to post on your drivel.
And it is reflected in the media coverage — both the so - called «mainstream» media and the so - called «conservative» media — as well as the onslaught of cut - and - pasted, scripted denialist drivel comments being posted by Ditto - Heads on blogs everywhere.
Just for the record I'm one of those who emailed Curry asking her to stop M - y - r - r - h from posting reams of drivel.
I was not denigrating Kristen Byrnes, but her Ponder the Maunder essay is drivel, why do nt you find it, post it, and we can discuss it.
After a banking crisis, failure rooted in their own free - lunch, Keynesian excess the radical dressed in «Post Partisan» drivel managed to ascend to the WH.
I see that he relies on posting such long, unedited drivel that nobody will ever bother reading it all to see whether he actually proves the points he claims he does.
If I were ever to write such a content - free bunch of incomprehensible drivel as your post to which my remark specifically referred, then Joshua (or anybody else) would be fully entitled to make such a reply.
One theory pedalled by a former tobacco advertising guru is that opposition to the «joys» of living with giant fans is only a problem among English speaking countries: the guru reckons that complaints like those heard from dozens of wind farms around Australia are a cooked - up phenomenon exclusive to the English speaking world — as pitched - up in this piece of propaganda on ABC radio and parroted in this piece of eco-fascist drivel from ruin - economy (for a taste of what the Taiwanese — not the world's strongest English speakers — think about giant fans, see our post here).
I can't believe WUWT actually posted this idiotic piece of anti-scientific drivel.
I liked your post, it was passionate and articulate, except for this bit of drivel you stuck in there:
Sorry you feel you and Poptech were mistreated there, but it is their house and you should respect that and not post drivel.
Phil, I have just started following your posts and as a careers - industry professional myself, am 1) thrilled to have a colleague who is innovating in a very traditional and increasingly dysfunctional career marketplace, and 2) I am blown away by your ability to cut through the career space noise and get to the heart of what needs to be said.With no formal resume training available to the general public, and with people's perceptions of resumes built upon outdated samples and the drivel that they see coming across their own desks, it's no wonder that they don't have a clue about resume targeting, optimization, value propositions, etc..
If you use Twitter, you know that some people can easily be funny, informative or interesting within the 140 character limit while others post mindless drivel.
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