Sentences with phrase «driven by hormones»

Lust is our sex drive or libido and it is in part driven by the hormones testosterone and estrogen.
Unaltered cats, as young as five months old, are driven by their hormones and tend to sneak outdoors primarily in search of a mate.
Some dogs are driven by hormones to run away and surgery can stop this behavior.
Unaltered cats are driven by their hormones and tend to sneak outdoors primarily in search of a mate.
Most of us tend to blame ourselves for «lack of willpower,» but the truth is that much of our mindless eating is driven by our hormones.
«It's a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings — leading to uncontrolled overeating.
Whether you want to understand your mood swings, determine whether your headaches are driven by hormones, or learn how your cycle impacts your sleep throughout the month, Ava can help.
Being a sugar addict is a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings and lead to uncontrolled overeating.
Using a new TaqMan PCR - based technique, the researchers screened a number of cancer cell lines from various tissues, and discovered that tRNA halves were specifically expressed in large quantities in sex hormone - dependent cancers, i.e., estrogen receptor (ER)- positive breast cancer and androgen receptor (AR)- positive prostate cancer that are driven by the hormones estrogen and testosterone.
At this early stage, lactation is driven by hormones controlled by the endocrine system.
During pregnancy and just after you give birth, milk production is driven by hormones.
As the child gets holder, it is important to make sure that sleep schedules coincide with internal clocks that are driven by hormones.
At this point in time, milk production is driven by hormones and not the supply - and - demand we often hear about when discussing breastfeeding.
s.exual intercourse is a physical act driven by hormones.

Not exact matches

Research by Paul Zak found that character driven storytelling led to the production of a hormone called oxytocin in test subjects.
A federal crackdown on illicit foreign supplies of human growth hormone has failed to stop rampant misuse, and instead has driven record sales of the drug by some of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies, an Associated Press investigation shows...
Smith and Denton have an urgent message: stop defining adolescence as «a social problem» and adolescents as «alien creatures, strange and menacing beings, perhaps even monsters driven by raging hormones, visiting us from another planet.»
I don't believe biological drives created by hormones to reproduce are sinful, for they are just that hormones.
This is because the 2 hormones that drive lactation, (Prolactin and Oxytocin) are produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and not the ovaries.
Supply goes from being driven by postpartum hormones to driven by demand (frequency of breastfeeding and pumping).
Conventional attitudes about boys permeate all aspects of society — parents, grandparents, teachers, and coaches — and has created... a «boy code»: myths that boys» behavior is driven solely by their hormones and not the environment, boys need to learn to be tough at an early age, and so on.
In the early days, his hunger is driven partly by a hormone called (get ready) cholecystokinin, or CCK.
They discovered that pheromones secreted by the male mouse activate these neurons which, in turn, transmit this signal to another population of neurons (gonadotropin - releasing hormone neurons) to drive attraction to the opposite sex.
Driven by revelations of lead in children's toys, hormone - mimicking chemicals in plastic baby bottles and controversial flame - retardants in furniture, state environmental officials drafted a set of rules aimed at products with chemicals that have been linked to illness or abnormal development
Rigorous Experiments In the past 20 years significant evidence has accumulated to suggest that these diet doctors may have been right, that the hormone hypothesis is a viable explanation for why we get fat and that insulin resistance, driven perhaps by the sugars in the diet, is a fundamental defect not just in type 2 diabetes but in heart disease and even cancer.
The achievement will allow researchers to conduct further studies to determine how the hormone helps plants respond to drought and other environmental stresses driven by the continuing increase in the atmosphere's carbon dioxide, or CO2, concentration.
Our sleep patterns, eating habits, body temperature and hormone levels are driven by the rhythmic activity of body's circadian clock.
«Choosing to buy milk without traces of hormones or antibiotics may be driven more by concerns for our own health than the health of the animal,» Ellison says.
Founded in 2014 by world renowned cancer researchers, Drs. Charles Sawyers and Scott Lowe, from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the company is currently taking aim at clinical relapse in hormone - driven cancers such as prostate, with the aim or producing its first clinical candidate by early 2016.
Hunger, on the other hand, is driven by gut hormones, nutrients and glucose, and it's heralded by stomach rumbles and a sensation of emptiness.
Quick refresher: Your menstrual cycle is driven by fluctuating hormone levels.
Buzz - kill: Birth control Recent studies suggest that birth control pills can decrease sex drive in some women, by altering hormones, particularly testosterone and oestrogen.
While it's unclear whether the participants» hormone levels were driven by their weight, or their weight was in part due to their hormones, the study's researchers say that the results can be applied to anyone — regardless of body size.
Testosterone, the hormone that drives sperm production and health, can be compromised by too much estrogen in the system.
Your bones: The rate at which old bone is broken down is driven by thyroid hormones; when that process speeds up, bone is destroyed faster than it can be replaced — which can lead to osteoporosis.
«Fast sprinting caused the body to release high levels of a specific group of hormones, called catecholamines, which drive the release of fat, especially abdominal and visceral fat, from fat stores so it can be burned by working muscles.»
Changes in the levels of male and female hormones can be caused by a variety of factors, and can result in erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men, and can be a cause of infertility and low sex drive in both sexes.
The closest equivalent would be to view the yang force as excitatory, driven by anabolic hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, along with stimulatory neurotransmitters including adrenaline and norepinephrine mediated by the sympathetic nervous system.
Whether real or imagined, your body responds to threat by releasing a cascade of stress hormones that increase your blood pressure, elevate your heart rate, suppress non-essential functions like digestion and sex drive, and prepare you for battle.
It's driven to some extent by hormones, but diet and lifestyle clearly have an impact on this, too.
Woman's hormones are so easily affected by stress and our current crazy environment of endocrine disruptors that it's easy for sex drive to take a dive.
After 35, as your hormone levels start to shift, your body just isn't not as strongly driven by that natural instinct and it will require external direction in the form of nutritional and physical cues.
We've been hearing a lot about the stress hormone cortisol and its connection to weight gain (especially belly fat), low sex drive, and premature aging.1 And by now you may even be getting a little, um, stressed out about it.
The metabolic processes that trigger the production of steroid hormones are driven in large part by the foods we eat.
By lowering a heavy set of weights slowly, you tell your neuro - endocrine system to flood your system with these hormones, causing your body to burn body fat, build muscle, increase bone density, and turbo - charge sex drive.
Plus, a low carb diet plan slows down the metabolism, reduces blood sugar level, disturbs your family life by killing your sex drive (yes, it does), disturbs the hormones, and above all, it puts you at the risk of gaining weight again.
You can couple all of this with loss of strength, loss of sex drive is reported by most, and hormone levels get out of whack by both male and female competitors.
The goal of hormone therapy should NOT be to return you to the body and drive of your younger days... we all know by now that there is no actual Fountain of Youth!
Principally, mental stress wrecks your skin by triggering an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, but parabens can apparently increase cortisol regardless of whether you're relaxed or anxious; the effect is purely biologically driven.
Even critics of the Insulin Hypothesis (like Stephan Guyenet) would agree with some of what Taubes is saying — it's just that they believe CICO is an important part of the equation, the over eating is driven by the brain and changes to the brain and the hormone of interest is leptin.
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