Sentences with phrase «driven effects we found»

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One study, published in the «Journal of Alzheimer's Disease» in October 2013, found that the oil in coconut helps shield nerve cells from the toxic effects of protein plaques, which would otherwise drive Alzheimer's disease progression.
We are living the effects of climate change already, and the longer we delay finding solutions to drive down carbon pollution, the harder it's going to be.
The finding suggests that individual choices like whether to drive or take public transit to work have major cumulative effects.
And a third found that climate - induced sea - surface temperature anomalies over the northeast Pacific were driving storms (and moisture) away from California, but the warming also caused increased humidity — two competing factors that may produce no net effect.
In his latest book, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, Sacks focuses on unusual cases having to do with music's effects on the mind, such as a man who found relief from Tourette's syndrome by playing the drums, and another who was driven to the edge by an unwelcome and unending tune that cycled uncontrollably through his head.
The finding suggests that many drivers may underestimate the effect of sleep deprivation on their driving ability.
The authors also find no «threshold effect» — «no sudden transition from blameless to blamed» at the legal limit for drunk driving.
The report finds that the current regulatory practices for assessing risks or potential environmental effects of field experiments or planned releases are inadequate for gene drives.
«They have worked 16 times longer than planned, driven 20 times farther than planned, and, most important, found diverse geological records of the effects of water in ancient Martian environments,» he said.
«The meta - analytic study requires a certain number of studies (at least 17 - 20 experiments) to detect smaller effects and to avoid false - positive results (if the findings are driven by the effect of single experiments),» Zinchenko said.
Sleep well Research by the University of Sydney found one sleepless night has the same effect on coordination, judgement and reaction time the next day as consuming the legal driving limit of alcohol.
For example, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine recently found that around 5 percent of people who take a supplement of the herb aristolochia — which has traditionally been used to increase sex drive, boost immune function, and help menstruation — experience side effects as serious as cancer of the kidneys, liver, and bladder.
The truth is that we found ourselves missing the old cast, but most audiences won't care: Star Trek works fine when taken on its own terms as a modern special effects - driven action flick.
The found - footage horror flick The Visit — a film that's only a little less self - reflexive than Split — gave the one - time Hollywood golden boy a chance to start over after a couple of misguided forays into the world of effects - driven fantasy blockbusters.
From the lighting effects to the distant mountain ranges to the game's sense of speed, the visuals in Forza Horizon add a great deal to the enjoyment found in merely driving around the festival grounds and even more to the racing.
Though some viewers may find themselves playing spot - the - author with the patchy script (e.g., a fight scene gag involving The Cure's Disintegration, which smacks of Wright), it still makes for an enjoyable, intermittently inspired effects - driven comedy and a welcome antidote to the over-burdened world - saving that seems to define big - screen superhero stories.
However, while it becomes overloaded with self - referential quips, Deadpool 2 finds the right balance between its brand of self - deprecating humor and the requisite elaborate effects - driven action sequences.
However, there could have been different effects in different schools that were driven, at least in part, by the fact that wealthier or higher - achieving schools may find it easier to replace retiring teachers with experienced teachers from other schools.
If selection were driving our findings, we would expect to see time - inconsistent and / or off - subject «effects
Thinking about whether school partnerships drive effective school improvement, our evaluation of The Gaining Ground Strategy (2009 - 11), comprising school - to - school partnership working; additional support from School Improvement Partners (SIPs); additional training in Assessment for Learning (AfL); and study support, found that Gaining Ground consistently had a positive effect on pupil attainment and attendance.
The results were that «31 of 33 studies find the competitive effects driven by school choice programs led to improvement in public schools» academic performance.»
Induction programs have also been found to accelerate teachers» ability to drive student learning gains: In one study, new teachers who participated in high - quality mentoring and induction programs were able to lead their students to academic gains equivalent to those of fourth - year teachers who did not receive such support as beginning teachers.63 Similarly, a study of the California Formative Assessment and Support System for Teachers, a statewide induction program, found that the induction program had a positive effect on both instructional practice and student learning, with students attaining a half - year's additional growth when they were taught by teachers who were highly engaged in the program.64
The researchers of this evaluation find that this large effect is driven by even larger significant, negative effects for students who started in earlier grades — first through third grades — and somewhat smaller nonsignificant, negative effects for students who started in later grades: fourth through sixth.19
As state legislators across the United States enact laws that ban the use of cellphones while driving, a new HLDI study finds no reductions in crashes after hand - held phone bans take effect.
Near the shifter, you'll find buttons to toggle the Dynamic and Winter driving modes: the former amps up the responsiveness of the engine and slightly loosens the stability control's grip, while the latter has the opposite effect on the sedan's performance.
There is a feedback effect, causing a faster uptake of ebooks as hard copy books become harder to find, which of course means that less people buy hard copy books, driving shelf space decreases.
It drove me nuts until I found a disclaimer to that effect.
A technological breakthrough for the Nintendo DS, Robocalypse features over 50 A.I. driven units with advanced distributed path - finding, dynamic music and stunning 3D particle effects.
At first glance Peggle can seem like an almost purely luck - driven game with skill have only a slight effect, and for the first while of play that's entirely true: attempting to guess where the ball will bounce after the first few pegs is night on impossible, but as you sink more and more time into the game you'll begin to grow accustomed to its physics and find yourself guessing likely trajectories, allowing you start deliberately lining up awesome skill shots.
The biggest detriment to this however is the constant «rubber band» effect that happens with opponents during a race, where you'll find your opponents alarmingly catch up behind you regardless of how far or well you've been driving.
MotorHEAT by Milkstone Studios offers gorgeous 3D - graphics on endless highways, an incredible speed rush and the well - known «just one more attempt» - effect, because you want to find out how far you can drive next time and if you can climb just a little higher on the online scoreboards.
Gallery co-owner David Eichholtz says, «The main thing that's driving my interest is not a celebration per se of the historical effect of «The Responsive Eye» but the desire to contextualize a couple of things — that these artists really pursued visual perception seriously as a lifelong ambition, and that younger artists continue to find hard - edge geometric are compelling and imbue it with content.»
The effect of last summer's wind anomaly and ice - albedo feedback may be found in a number of publications, including ours: Zhang, J., R.W. Lindsay, M. Steele, and A. Schweiger, What drove the dramatic retreat of Arctic sea ice during summer 2007?
My colleague Matt Hourihan wrote a great review of the effect price has on technology change and found that price — especially the small to moderate carbon pricing and fuel taxes talked about within policy circles — will do nothing but drive incremental technology change.
The reports analyze two surveys that were administered in the fall of 2012 and received over 6,800 responses combined.The 2013 Capital Bikeshare Member Survey Report focuses on travel behavior patterns; including types of trips made, reasons for joining, demographic information, driving miles reduced and the effect on patronage of local businesses.The second report, Health Implications of the Capital Bikeshare Program focuses on how Capital Bikeshare affects the health of members.The full reports can be found here: of the highlights of the reports include:
The upside of EMD (compared to wavelets, Fourier, etc) is that it seems to find physically meaningful quasi-cycles, that it is data - driven, and that it's seemingly less prone to boundary effects.
In theory, the rebound effect can be quite large, as can happen, for example, if drivers of hybrid vehicles find that they can now drive twice as far on the same gallon of gasoline (a case of direct rebound).
Give them a couple weeks to process your defensive driving course, and make sure to remain in contact with your agent to find out when your reduction will go into effect.
In every other case, when the insurance carrier finds that the insured is breaching the terms of the policy like driving the vehicle for purposes other than for personal use (i.e. delivery, newspaper route, or for business), the insurance company will not renew the policy, but coverage will remain in effect until the end of the policy period.
If something were to happen on your property and you were found liable, the same umbrella coverage will be in effect for that situation that you use when driving your car.
You'll find out about current driving laws that have gone into effect in the years since you first took your driving test, and, depending on your auto insurance company, you may even be eligible for a bonus by simply signing up for a defensive driving course.
This differs from previous studies that use this cohort, where exposure in pregnancy had a significantly greater effect on other types of adverse child outcomes.23 28 These findings may indicate that the relationship between school attendance and maternal alcohol use disorders is not primarily driven by the neurobehavioural effects of alcohol during pregnancy, but rather a complex family and social environment in which school attendance is not a priority or not well monitored.
We close by noting that although our findings point to the possibility that antisocial phenotypes may be partially the result of an interaction between DRD2 and DRD4, it is possible that other genes that are in close linkage with DRD2 and DRD4 may actually be driving this effect.
Similarly, trends in interactions indicating stronger intervention effects among children from poor families were found for better school achievement (P =.06; post hoc comparison P =.002), less school misbehavior (P =.05; post hoc comparison P =.003), and less drinking and driving in the past year (P =.06; post hoc comparison P =.03)(data not shown in Figure 1).
The full multiplicative mediational path from gender to empathy to support to growth was significant, but this finding was largely driven by the strong mediational effect of empathy.
Research using the DRIVE model has supported the direct effects of these variable groups on outcomes, although little support was found for interactions (Mark & Smith, 2012a; 2012b).
The authors followed up this finding using tractography, and demonstrated that this effect was primarily driven by increased FA within the UF.
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