Sentences with phrase «driven false solutions»

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«The number one difficulty has been that there are a lot of false prophets at this stage,» said Tom Adeyoola, chief executive of London - based virtual fitting room company Metail, whose augmented reality «try - before - you - buy» solution aims to drive concrete business results.
It drives these false skeptics that are trying to sell us the idea that we have no problem because they don't like the solution.
Pascal then exposed biofuels as false solutions and said that «la terre est pour la nourriture, pas pour nous de conduire plus avec une conscience claire» (the land is meant for food, not for us to drive more with a clean conscience).
In its enthusiasm to adopt innovative statistics - based solutions, the industry may be in danger of undermining the progress made in predictive maintenance to date, by driving an increase in «false positives» that, in turn, will result in increased Opex costs for operators.
This matters because the climate change debate has been hi - jacked, emissions made worse by the net effects of renewables for a fast lobbyist buck in fact, driven by ignorance and misleading attacks that lump clean low carbon gas with dirty high carbon coal, and old school anti-nuclear activists who oppose nuclear generation on factualy spurious grounds, while it is in physics and engineering fact by far the best solution on any measure, through promoting irrational fear unsupported in any area of the facts and proven physics they deceive the unknowing about with simply false or msleading «sience».
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