Sentences with phrase «driven global warming things»

«Apart from the stupid space rock hitting the Earth, most mass extinctions were CO2 - driven global warming things,» says Ridgwell.

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Dear comics, Its not my fault... that you release the same thing in 5 formats, that you micro-manage your talent so much that they can't tell a decent story and get so pissed off by egos that they go to the other boss, that you don't know how to advertise your product, that you are so trapped by short term thinking that you fuck your self over, that you don't know how to keep your books in print, that you drove away people with high prices, oh and I didn't cause global warming either.
The aim is to get people doing the small things — planting trees, installing solar water heaters, fixing drafty buildings, calling elected officials — that can provide the foundation for a long - term shift in habits and plans related to limiting human - driven global warming.
We won't ever by able to effectively change anything with scary doomsday predictions, politically driven actions or half baked solutions... If we could just for a moment pull all of our hands out of proverbial the cookie jar stop with the politics and the anti-industry, global warming and end - of - the - world speak, and realize that our need is to focus on the things we ourselves can do to change our own shade of green, we would be taking one small step in the right direction.
I watched this with growing disinterest — it was certainly an answer to the Great global warming swindle in that both were pretty dreadful — this was shockingly over simplistic and you knew from the start who was going to win — even Eastenders can manage a bit more intrigue — but then look what kind of rubbish passes for a subject on things like Panorama; Having over done every other exciting angle on the «credit crunch» they did a program on how it's effecting us — based super scientifically on a small sample of people moaning sorry responding to panorama online which somehow justified a whole program of what some people were doing like driving less or renting a room out — totally pointless.
What drives the man - made global warming craze are three things.
From what I've gathered, he is less than proud of his family's role in tobacco... and that is one big thing that drove him to work so hard to educate people about global warming.
Then point out that local conditions can have an effect, but the general trend is driven by warmer temperatures and use Kilimanjaro as an example where a combination of things any one of which would not have been sufficient, INCLUDING global warming, has contributed to an extremely rapid decline In closing, the response from Gore's group pretty much nails what a bunch of folks are too stubborn to acknowledge
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