Sentences with phrase «drivers of their habitat»

«If you're missing noise, you're missing a huge driver of habitat suitability.»
Increased land development, poor water quality and disease are leading drivers of their habitat loss.
The «Aichi Targets» are central to that plan, and they're designed to attack the drivers of habitat loss in the short term and to reduce habitat loss in the long term.

Not exact matches

relationship between flow, geomorphic and structural habitat and three key drivers of recruitment: food, temperature and larval dispersal and retention.
Using a novel combination of research tools, the scientists examined how the manta rays use lagoons, what particular habitat microfeatures are important and what drivers make the fish come and go from Palmyra's lagoons.
«It is important to begin mechanistic studies of these declines,» the team concludes in a paper presenting the finding published in today's Science, «with habitat alteration, climate change and agricultural chemical usage being potential key drivers of observed shifts.»
As one of the largest national research programmes on ocean acidification, BIOACID has contributed to quantifying the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and their habitats, unravelling the mechanisms underlying the observed responses, assessing the potential for evolutionary adaptation, and determining how these responses are modulated by other environmental drivers.
I can not claim mastery of the equations being debated here, but I find the focus on habitat loss as the driver of extinction to be narrow minded.
The primary drivers of loss of biodiversity on land are well recognized to be habitat conversion / destruction, invasive species and now climate change.
«Invasive species are a leading driver of the decline of native species,» said Pejchar, which is why she was surprised at the paucity of «science on the footprint of energy development [as it impacts] the spread of invasive species or the loss of carbon storage / sequestration through habitat alteration.»
Anthropogenic climate change and land use change in the form of agricultural expansion («habitat conversion» — a sweet description for deforestation) act as synergistic drivers of biodiversity loss — in a Costa Rican environmental experiment — literally drying out the... Continue reading →
The IPCC also reports that the resilience of many ecosystems around the world is likely to be exceeded this century by an unprecedented combination of climate change; disturbances associated with climate change, such as flooding, drought, wildfire, and insects; and other global change - drivers, including land - use changes, pollution, habitat fragmentation, urbanization, and growing human populations and economies.
Most of these species are unknown, and even for the ones we know about, we have very little information about their current population size and distribution, life cycle habitat needs, extinction drivers, and mechanisms to eliminate these drivers as soon as possible.
Climate change is also predicted to interact with other drivers of biodiversity change such as habitat destruction and fragmentation, or the introduction of foreign species.
Researchers estimate species are being lost at a rate at least 100 times faster than historical levels, with habitat loss, over-hunting and climate change just a few of the many human - caused drivers behind the event.
Ocean acidification due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions is a dominant driver of long - term changes in pH in the open ocean, raising concern for the future of calcifying organisms, many of which are present in coastal habitats.
Agriculture and food consumption are identified as one of the most important drivers of environmental pressures, especially habitat change, climate change, water use and toxic emissions.
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