Sentences with phrase «driving people around town»

You can become an Uber or Lyft driver on days where you want to earn a few extra dollars for driving people around town.
Ride a Rickshaw: When you're walking down the streets of Charleston, you'll notice a bunch of guys on bikes driving people around town.

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The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
I believed so much in Santa, that I remember driving to my uncle's house Christimas eve and I was looking around on all the roughtops, because I figured if Santa was supposed to show up at Uncle Tony's house, I ought to be able to seem him around the neighborhood on such a clear night landing on other people's houses as he worked his way through town.
Perhaps the Illinois farmers who drove into the towns from miles around to hear the Lincoln - Douglas debates were a different kind of people from the millions in their living rooms in front of the television screen.
The current Miss United Nation added that Delali drove her around town to seek sponsorship for her projects so it comes as a surprise to hear the same person accuse organisers of pimping them.
I thought America was a country where everyone traveled around, but to my amazement, a lot of the people I met told me they had never driven more than 10 miles from their town.
I thoroughly enjoy the pictures people post of their homes, I LOVE to take drives around town to see everyone's houses all lit up, and of course I am SO excited to decorate my own house for Christmas!
Often getting to know people around town is easier when you go outside to spend time in a community - driven environment.
Throughout, as Laura drives around in her van, the camera observes real people in the Scottish town as if it were B - roll for a sociology experiment.
Furthermore, if a robot can drive teens around town more safely than teens themselves, might states push back the «manual - driving» age to 21 or later to wait until young people's brains are really up to the task?
What's more impressive for cars of this ilk and for the people who drive them is a moderate 0 - 45 mph scramble around town.
I could drive it around town and to work, which is what most people will be doing.
Overall its a nice car that is easy to drive and get people around town.
Yes, for people who want to pretend around town, it is possible to get the Renegade in front - wheel drive only units.
It's a very well - judged set - up for people who'll mostly use the car to drive around town or drive across the countries on relatively smooth highways.
I drove through one small town where old people sat on rockers on front porches and kids tore around corners on bikes and young mothers, jackets tied around their waists, proudly pushed babies in strollers.
If anyone drives down the 71st Street corridor, as well as numerous parking lots and flea markets around town, you can find person after person offering all variety of dogs and puppies for sale.
The town of Trat itself is around 30 minutes drive away, although very few people stay in the town.
Springdale feels like a truly inhabited town, as there are always cars driving around, with people and Yo - Kai everywhere.
There are approximately 150 - 200 lots in town that are available, either through the county back taxes office or by driving around and asking people what they want for their lot, often it will be about $ 500 to $ 750, ridiculously cheap by city standards.
This is important because some people don't realize that a car gets more miles per gallon on a highway than they do driving a car around towns.
Online claims, customized insurance quotes, and the ability to purchase policies online, including life insurance, are available to people who know they need insurance but do not want to spend their day tied to a phone or driving around town.
I do think that it's best for me to go drive around town and meet people in the state I'm considering before purchasing a property.
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