Sentences with phrase «drop side cribs»

If you do the manufacturer will keep you up to date about any recalls or important legal changes like the 2011 ban on drop side cribs.
Also, the whole drop side crib scandal is important to note these days when choosing a crib.
But why are people searching for drop side cribs?
In 2007, 11 million cribs were recalled by the Consumer Product and Safety Commission, and that includes many old styles of drop side cribs.
Since 2000, 32 infant suffocation and strangulation deaths were associated with drop side cribs.
Resources: Complete list of crib safety: Healthy Children CPSC ban on drop side cribs AAP Sleep Safety Guidelines
Banning drop side cribs in favor of standard, fixed - side cribs, the new standards call for strengthening mattress supports and crib slats.
Five of the top searches are from people looking to fix or refurbish old drop side cribs, without even converting them to make them safe!
Parents who return their Simplicity drop side cribs are being offered store credit, refunds, or replacements in return.
Anyone using a Simplicity or SFCA drop side crib is urged to cease use of the product immediately.
No drop side cribs will be accepted.
Unfortunately, drop side cribs are to blame for at least 32 infant and toddler deaths since 2000, and they are suspected in 14 more cases.
In 2011, the Consumer Product Safety Commission approved a recall of all drop side cribs, so if the mattress accompanies that style of crib, discard the crib, but make sure the mattress meets all safety recommendations if you plan to reuse it in a new crib.
I have a drop sided crib.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), in cooperation with Delta Enterprise Corp., of New York, New York., is announcing the voluntary recall to replace missing safety pegs involving 985,000 drop side cribs.
When using a drop side crib parents should check to make sure the drop side or any other moving part operates smoothly.
You can also buy a kit to make a drop side crib safe with this kit you can buy from Amazon.
These parents don't know that they could be putting their infant at risk by using a drop side crib.
Plenty of old cribs are beautiful and perfectly safe BUT you must be extra careful that you're not buying a damaged crib, a drop side crib, or another crib that doesn't meet current safety standards for a different reason.
I remember the drop side crib that we had growing up — metal hardware and all.
When we were in temp housing for a job relocation we had a drop side crib to use at our appt.
My SIL had a drop side crib that was a Graco and that thing was deeper (the side you leaned over to put the baby in the crib was MUCH higher off the ground / mattress than my cribs») and a bigger pain than either of my fixed side cribs (Simplicity and DaVinci sleigh style).
Keep the drop side crib locked when you are not with your baby to stop him from accidentally knocking it and falling out of the crib.
If you continue to use a drop side crib, remember to keep the crib side up while baby is in it.
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