Sentences with phrase «drop tailbone»

Lift both inner thighs toward the ceiling as you drop your tailbone toward the floor.
On the exhalation, drop the tailbone and the crown of the head toward the ground, rounding your entire spine.

Not exact matches

Press your feet together, tuck your tailbone under and let your knees drop open.
On an inhale, begin to lift your tailbone up to the sky, let your belly drop toward the earth, lift your heart and look up if it's OK with your neck.
The other day during class, I told my students, «Bend your knees, let your tailbone drop, and sloooowly breathe...
Touch your big toes together, and drop your heels toward your tailbone.
Inhale and drop your navel down toward your mat as you tilt your head and tailbone toward one another.
Then, reach your sternum away from your navel and drop your pubis and tailbone down toward the floor as you did in Tadasana.
From Tadasana, bend the knees and drop the hips, drawing the sitting bones back and the tailbone slightly down as you fold the upper body forward over the thighs.
As you do this, notice how, without effort, your tailbone begins to drop, inviting space in your lower back and length in the side waist.
It's actually in a very relaxed version of Bakasana: Your knees are up near your shoulders; your feet are together, with your tailbone dropping toward your heels; and your upper back is broad.
With your next exhalation, reverse the curve of your spine, rounding your back up toward the ceiling and dropping your head and tailbone toward the floor.
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