Sentences with word «drudgery»

The meaning of the word "drudgery" is the feeling of doing hard, boring, or monotonous work. Full definition
Nevertheless, it took me awhile to tease myself away from the daily drudgery of teaching with disconnected lessons.
Canadians should be encouraged to watch not only the scandalous and salacious cases that inhabit our courtrooms from time - to - time but the daily drudgery of human misery tinged with a hope for the future that shuffles through Provincial plea courts from coast - to - coast.
Don't doom your offspring to a life of drudgery in menial low paying jobs.
But just as the penny seemed to grow modestly for three weeks and then exploded in value, so it is that saving may seem like drudgery for 75 percent of your career.
When online dating feels like drudgery take a break for a while until you're feeling positive about it again.
Create marriage metaphors that bring life, not drudgery.
What a lot of law firm associates are quietly saying is that the type of work they typically receive is distinguished largely by drudgery and routine.
So if you happen to view housekeeping as drudgery, don't let on.
Doing drudgery work actually drains us of energy, makes us cranky and lowers our quality of life.
It's for people who put in the time, effort, and the day - to - day drudgery of running a business.
But it does require the supernatural grace of God to live twenty - four hours of every day as a saint, going through drudgery, and living an ordinary, unnoticed, and ignored existence as a disciple of Jesus.
Too much time on drudgery is precisely what lawyers, law firms, and clients are cutting.
Elsewhere, Baldock's anthropomorphic cooking pots and pile of washing ruined by a rogue red sock continued the theme of domestic drudgery.
This isn't about drudgery and feeling like you «should» be doing more or different things.
Sure, he'll dutifully track down missing files and identify enemy agents when tasked with such drudgery.
Researchers suggest motion controlled computing might one day help make office drudgery as enjoyable as dancing and sports or as relaxing as yoga and tai chi.
Some tasks are just pure drudgery, and no amount of creative reframing is going to make them more interesting.
All of us favor school accountability, but assessment systems that turn students into workers, recess into test preparation, and school into drudgery defeat their own purposes.
But there's no way you can escape the sheer drudgery of its gameplay.
A life of luxury for the Davenports means drudgery for the servants on the grand country estate.
After a while, when the routine drudgery of everyday life and business pressures take over, we come to realize that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Civilization has brought more drudgery, ugliness, and suffering to the planet than real enjoyment.
Eventually, we'll all get used to it, Martin says — especially since many of the tasks AI will take over are the business equivalent of household drudgery: «You never hear anyone complain about the invention of the dishwasher.»
Year - round farming villages and early agricultural states, such as those that cropped up in Mesopotamia, exchanged mobile groups» healthy lifestyles for the back - breaking drudgery of cultivating...
Production technologies to alleviate drudgery and back - breaking manual labor by women farmers
That's all well and good, but what is the real trick to making sure your internship doesn't turn into the «making coffee and running copies» dreaded drudgery?
Robots are eliminating job drudgery in hospitals, and as technology advances, they'll take on therapeutic roles too.
Within a decade or two, they believed, such robots would be cleaning our oors, mowing our lawns and, in general, eliminating drudgery from our lives.
A sign - flipping robot or even a jerry - rigged traffic signal could save at least a few individuals from mind - numbing drudgery.
Countless years of full - time drudgery finally comes to an end.
Parenting a young child with life - threatening food allergies is hours of tedious drudgery [and] moments of sheer terror.
At 7:30 a.m., the zoo's famous groundhog Staten Island Chuck will emerge to see if he (or she) sees his shadow, superstitiously predicting either an early spring or six more weeks of winter drudgery.
Yesterday I joked on Twitter that no one asked Spitzer about muni bonds, city debt and other drudgery associated with the city comptroller post.
Sadly, aside from a sharp online Wii experience, Conduit 2 rarely impresses, relying too much on generic drudgery and sad attempts to capture the magic of more popular titles; worse yet, the storyline and characters seem aimless and forgettable.
Suddenly, the idea of a blog did not seem such drudgery after all.
If one has any doubt that they suggest drudgery or homelessness in the present, she also creates a Harlem Flag of fabric and sharp colors layered over slashed sheetrock.
But Baye, whose performance won a César (the French Oscar), lifts that drudgery beyond banality as she wrestles with the case and her inner demons.
However, while the administration started out pouring sunshine on the environment (after years of obfuscated drudgery under the Bush administration), they soon began to move away from truly progressive decisions on the environment and into the recognizable territory of playing it safe - and sometimes even stupid.
People who change careers (and most of us do) rarely regret leaving the mundane drudgery of jobs that they no longer identify with and find difficult to return to every day.
HubSpot offers all manner of features to reduce the little drudgeries that can occupy a salesperson's day.
It's like a robot nanny for computer programs, silently taking care of memory management and other housekeeping drudgery while keeping an eye out for potential security violations before they happen.
But now the Dutch tell us what we already guessed: it's kitchen drudgery keeping us from our bicycles.
As the relentless international drudgery comes to an end... In a few days anyway.
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