Sentences with phrase «dry piece of cloth»

Not exact matches

If you have a boy, it might be a good idea to put a piece of dry cloth on top of his penis if he is lying on his back. says that if the stump is dirty or sticky, you can clean it with plain water, and dry it by holding a clean absorbent cloth around it, or fan it with a piece of paper.
Mix up a smoothie in a reusable food pouch to bring for your baby and bring healthy dried snacks, pieces of fruit, and trail mix in a modern reusable cloth snack bag.
«I took a piece of dry ice [frozen CO2],» he says, «and wrapped it in pieces of terry cloth and then duct taped them to these long bamboo sticks I got at a garden supply store.»
TIP: If you prefer to use a screen to dry instead of hanging the herbs in bunches, stretch a piece of cheesecloth or organic muslin cloth over a wooden frame and staple to hold (even an old dollar tree picture frame will work for this).
This piece is styled with a svelte almond toe and stacked block heel.Ankle BootsFlatBlock HeelAlmond toeUpper - LeatherClean with soft dry cloth Shop At House Of
Dolla's early breakdowns of abstraction included works such as Structure à la tente d'indien (Indian Tent Structure), a multi-pronged towel rack from which hung several pieces of color - stained cloth, including one patterned like a Native American teepee, and Etendoir aux mouchoirs (Drying Rack with Handkerchiefs) in which 10 handkerchiefs, partly dyed pink and yellow, are suspended from a store - bought rack.
Rub a piece of chalk over the entire surface, then clean the board with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
While the first coat of milk paint was drying, I painted grain sack stripes on a piece of drop cloth left over from other projects.
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