Sentences with phrase «duality of»

It's also important to allow yourself to be transformed, and that to me is the duality of game and story.»
Third, if you live in a safe area and away from the beach that can be a duality of saving.
On the issue of duality of contracts Peter Clark HHJ noted Lord Justice Mummery's comments in Dacas that such a situation would be «more problematical» than establishing an implied contract in circumstances where no other express employment contract existed.
Further, our competence reflects a deep understanding of the duality of the Cameroonian legal system which is based on civil law (Romano - Germanic system of law) on the one hand and the Common law system on the other hand.
The government argued that the present duality of roles ensures, inter alia, that:
Incorporating a balance between both expressivism and social constructivism in legal writing center theory is important because these two theories reflect the duality of how legal writing is done in practice.
Sadly, or happily, the linguistic duality of this country will either keep us together, or take us apart.
Those distinctions, he adds, have less to do with the French / English duality of Canada's only official bilingual province and more to do with actual geography.
One of the most compelling charms of painting for painters is this duality of spatial illusion and gross materiality.»
Likewise, because of a phenomenon called quantum entanglement, the very atoms of the human eye interact with the particle - wave duality of light just like any other object, and the simple commingling of photons with the atoms of our sense apparatus serve to collapse the wave function through their intercourse.
The duality of these three dimensional human forms and their flat intricately patterned surroundings is a juxtaposition that I enjoy emphasizing in my paintings.
To Be Young, Gifted and Black also features works that show the duality of blackness between the hopefulness of the Civil Rights Movement and the present frustrations of the Black Lives Matter movement.
The duality of movement and standstill inherent to film fed her later three - dimensional work, in which she transformed the physically and culturally determined properties of materials.
Weir probes the nature of a fixed identity and these questions are underpinned by the theories under her scrutiny, whether it is relativity, intentionality, film theory, the duality of light or the philosophy of time and history.
This is a true contemporary still - life, with a tremendous duality of form which fixes our attention like a pair of motionless dancers.
Yuri Masnyj's piled coffee table, fashioned from wood, plaster, wax and paper, refines the fake - real duality of Ms. Hegarty's crack in the wall and is the show's most carefully made piece.
In African Nurse, the figure simultaneously occupies a duality of nurse representations and female tropes: otherworldly and one with nature, provocative child bearer and delicate nymph.
Artist Statement Merging mixed mythologies and personal aesthetic, I explored the fragility and duality of relationships.
It is this duality of experience that informs my art practice.
Like his mixing of disparate materials, the fusion of external and internal sources is the duality of our time.
Many of the painting titles, Amber, Floater, Twister or Aura / Arch present a duality of meaning and like the images themselves - land, city, and outer space - shape - shift, fluctuating between the positive and negative, the microscopic and infinite.
Through the duality of light and dark, the exertion of control over elements from the natural world, and the reenactment of an incident from her life, Wright considers the fragile border that separates life and death.
However, uniting these forms on a single plane suggests that these modes are not antithetical, but bound in an absolutely interdependent duality of influence.
The duality of the two colours — black and bone — which inhabit opposite ends of the colour spectrum reflects the divergence of form evident in Kelly's work, where shapes are inverted or turned in on themselves.
Early Work perfectly exemplifies this duality of expression: the Black and Red Overpaintings and the coloured Proportion Studies.
The layered and detailed works of «Truth in Myth» serve as a continuation of the artist's search for balance in the understanding of physical and ideological duality of self.»
Just as the moon controls the tides, each of the 11 paintings included here concerns itself with the duality of the human psyche.
In evoking Italian amnesia about its colonial past, and the need for the re-evaluation of its violent heritage, Kentridge explores the duality of selfhood trauma involved in re-evaluating the self.
In Gate (1983), a photograph of a Rockport pier that he shot a few years later, Rush used his camera effectively to explore the duality of compositional flatness versus illusionism, which was a dominant issue for abstract painters working in the 1950s - 70s.
The meticulously carved strands render chaos tamed, forming an organizing architecture that embodies the duality of our feral and rational human nature.
Influenced by the duality of the city he lives in, his artworks represent the same combination of nature and artificial urban constructions, revealing not only the visual delicacy but impressive adventure for all senses.
Also, because of its reflection, the mirror emphasizes the duality of things.
Most of the works on display hold a duality of strength and weakness.
Michael Sastre's paintings capture the tense duality of the landscape as a sublime natural phenomenon and as a remote, inaccessible site for illicit activities.
From small intimate books to room size installations, she uses paper with its duality of strength and delicacy to create physical and conceptual space.
The duality of function and dysfunction is also an important aspect of her machine - like objects.
As Prager oscillates between these shifting points of view and duality of artifice and reality, she breaks the «fourth wall,» an invisible barrier between the stage and audience, creating a liminal space that invites consideration of how we absorb notions of truth and fiction within visual culture.
Thus, his paintings self - critically describe the duality of their own identity as both transcendent creation and commercial item.
Being subject to capitalism, in that sense, points to the duality of being ruled and yet depended upon by structures of capitalist power.
In the Merged series I'm exploring the duality of human existence and experience.
After realizing that his son is currently the same age that he was during the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, McCutcheon chose to investigate the duality of father and son relationships through imagery and footage related to space exploration.
Her work discusses ideas of cross-culturalism, fear, anxiety, myths, duality of belief and disbelief, and interactions based on meta - communication.
It showcases the duality of discomfort, distorting Gillick's new surroundings as the audio keeps rhythmic tempo in the background.
As such, Sherman began to look for new avenues through which to explore representation — the very duality of expression and the multiplicity of identity.
She uses photos found on the Internet to explore the duality of the image.
Holding a BA in perceptual technology and MA in art, he is interested and educated in both the sciences and art, a duality of knowledge that has led him to the cutting edge in terms of light technology as applicable in his artistic practice.
He continues to explore this duality of personal and cultural identity through the medium of photography.
Inspired by the screens of Eileen Gray and Herbert Bayer, Condorelli presents After Image (Gray and Bayer), a wall painting and standing sculpture which utilises space to emphasise the artificial duality of image and environment.
The duality of the work is key to the American artist's long - term practice, carefully balancing stylised animations against the stark reality of the times we live in.
Drexler began producing this wide range of works in the 1950s, and together, they demonstrate her fascination with the duality of gender, the fluidity of identity, and the precise moment of action.
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