Sentences with phrase «dubious benefit»

Not spending so much on medical treatments with dubious benefits would be another possibility.
CWO also hedges the currency exposure of the fund, which is of dubious benefit given the high costs involved in the form of tracking errors.
But your carbon price example — demonstrating the vast penalty that would be incurred by minority participants — illustrates I believe, not the value of developing or discussing the details of a carbon price «solution» (which is a typical item of discussion on this thread), but the absurdity of our even trying to participate in a scheme which is of no interest to most of the world and which is of dubious benefit anyway.
The sad takeaway is that, for dubious benefits, some Android manufacturers are willing to mislead customers and the media.
So it is of great concern to me that under the highest law of this land, our Constitution, the Government can make rulings that affect some people - but not all - and with dubious benefit for the people subject to those laws.
Angell offers an expose of the pharmaceutical industry, which she describes as «primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit
As is often the case with Cronenberg, the intriguing subtext (in this case, the damage caused by divorce and the dubious benefits of psychology) is neutered by an amateurish and even risible storyline as well as inconsistent characters who make little sense.
Though Mengestu may have attempted too much in terms of the social, political and psychological implications of immigration from destroyed countries and the dubious benefits of finding asylum in so - called functioning countries, he manages to integrate these heavy themes into an aesthetic whole.
That's a lot of paperwork for a dubious benefit.
Our previous plan had the dubious benefit of a financial advisor to help us pick which funds to put our money into.
Browse the two - volume textbook and you'll find an 18 - page chapter on segregated funds, which are expensive insurance products with dubious benefits and a hefty price tag.
SAN FRANCISCO — Often, advances in game development and software consist of boring back - end improvements with dubious benefits.
Rather than spend enormous resources on mitigation efforts of dubious benefit, 20 additional years of proper science is a logical approach.
This intense lateral activity is stunning in light of its dubious benefits to the firms involved.
Given the high costs and dubious benefits to be expected from continuing on the lock»em - up path, and given the encouraging results of many youth oriented prevention and intervention strategies, a significant public investment is surely warranted both to strengthen and expand a youth oriented prevention agenda and to step up the effort to refine and improve on prevention's promise.
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