Sentences with phrase «duct leads»

Also be sure the fan duct leads to the outdoors to prevent moisture problems.
The flap that controls whether the air from upper duct leads to defrost or passenger vents has no «center» position, it's pick one or the other.
It is characterized by blocked tear duct leading to sticky eyes.
Plugged Ducts Lead to Mastitis It's very important to treat a plugged duct.
My baby was premature (born at 33 weeks) so I have spent time exclusively pumping and had many clogged ducts leading to painful lumps and engorged breasts.
This ductoscopy technique enabled the pathologists to identify the exact duct leading to the tumour and subsequently classify genetic alterations either increasing or decreasing as they moved nearer to the cancer.
These anal glands produce a smelly, yellowish - gray to brownish pasty material, which is normally secreted by tiny narrow channels or ducts leading from the sac to the surface of the anus when a dog poops or when it is startled or frightened.
Red and brown discoloration commonly known as tear stains is caused in some dog breeds because they have an over active tear duct leading to excessive tear production, and insufficient tear drainage.
Central warm air furnace: A type of space heating equipment where a central combustor or resistance unit generally using gas, fuel oil, or electricity provides warm air through ducts leading to the various rooms.

Not exact matches

In the early part of this decade, I lead her from duct tape purse to sock dogs.
Engorgement and blocked ducts can lead to mastitis, which means any pressure or constriction on your chest isn't going to help.
In the short term, abrupt weaning can lead to blocked ducts and mastitis.
Irritation of tissues may result from chronic sinusitis leading to formation of scars which then block the tear ducts.
Allowing your breasts to become full can be painful, can cause your milk supply to drop, and could lead to complications like plugged ducts or mastitis.
Where knowledge of breastfeeding has been lost, managing sore nipples, engorged breasts, blocked ducts, and mastitis can turn into a big problem often leading mothers to give up breastfeeding.
Over time, this lack of effective MER could inhibit release of milk, leading to plugged ducts or insufficient milk production.
In addition to being uncomfortable, engorgement can lead to plugged ducts and decreased milk supply.
This is definitely unnecessary and can even lead to problems such as plugged ducts and mastitis.
Both of these can put excessive pressure on sensitive breast tissue that can lead to discomfort, and in some moms, plugged ducts.
It can lead to plugged ducts and mastitis and can start to decrease your milk supply.
Keep in mind that if engorgement is serious, it can actually be harder for your baby to latch on deeply due to a hard areola, and that can lead to painful nipples, clogged ducts, or a low milk supply.
A clogged duct can lead to mastitis, and you have enough to deal with without having to get sick and be in pain.
Wear a loose enough bra so your milk ducts are not compressed — this can lead to clogged ducts.
If you have too much milk, it can lead to problems such as blocked ducts or mastitis.
A network of cells surrounding the alveoli squeeze the glands and push the milk out into the ductules, which lead to a bigger duct.
The piercing itself may cause complications leading to blocked milk ducts and reduced milk flow.
An ill - fitting bra can lead to mastitis or blocked ducts.
We wouldn't recommend doing this often as restricting the breast tissue can lead to blocked ducts.
It can also lead to problems such as clogged milk ducts, mastitis, and low milk supply.
Trying to fit into your too - tight pre-engorgement bras could lead to plugged ducts and painful mastisis, and having a supportive sling for your boulder - like breasts can help keep a little more comfortable.
Breastfeeding can also lead to a number of painful complications: engorgement, plugged ducts, mastitis, milk blisters, nipple blanching, vasospasm, and thrush, to name a few.
Slowly weaning your baby off of the breast is recommended as it will reduce the chances of engorgement which can lead to other problems such as blocked milk ducts, infection or mastitis.
Lennon says the things that can lead to plugged ducts or mastitis include not feeding frequently enough, not emptying your breasts well, wearing constricting clothing, or your baby not feeding effectively.
If a plugged duct is managed improperly, it can lead to an infection of the breast tissue.
An Overabundant Milk Supply: If your body produces too much breast milk, it can lead to breast engorgement and plugged milk ducts.
Weaning: If you wean your baby quickly, it can lead to breast engorgement, plugged milk ducts, and mastitis.
Too much pressure on your breast tissue can lead to other breast issues such a plugged milk ducts and mastitis.
Latching problems can also lead to a low breast milk supply and some painful breast issues such as sore nipples, plugged milk ducts, and breast engorgement.
Excessive Pressure on Your Breasts: A bra that has an underwire, or one that is too tight, can put pressure on the breast tissue and lead to clogged milk ducts.
But, when a plugged milk duct is left untreated, it can get worse and lead to more serious complications such as mastitis or a breast abscess.
Small peep holes can lead to blocked ducts if your breast is pressing against them.
Be sure to wear supportive bras or tops to protect your breasts as bouncing can cause the milk ducts to leak creating potential damage to the cells - leading to an increase in the risk of developing breast infections.
If left untreated, engorgement can lead to plugged milk ducts or mastitis, a breast infection, so it's important to resolve engorgement soon.
She might have recurrent plugged ducts which can lead to mastitis so this mom might unfortunately have recurrent breast infections.
Emptying both breasts before working out will help decrease your chances of getting a blocked duct which leads to mastitis.
Alvarez, who spent a decade leading healthcare and clinical research teams, interviewed about 5,000 women about what their pumping experiences and worked with her husband, a mechanical engineer who specializes in medical devices, to create a prototype out of a surgical glove, washer, syringe and duct tape.
Often, these moms will suffer with frequently engorged breasts that many times lead to bothersome leaking and plugged ducts and breast infections.
Whatever style you choose, make sure there aren't any tight or binding spots, as those can lead to clogged ducts and possibly mastitis.
In some cases, breast engorgement may become severe, which can lead to a blocked milk duct or breast infection.
Milk ducts found between fat cells and the glandular tissue also grow in number and size creating a complex web of pathways throughout your breast leading to your nipples.
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