Sentences with phrase «dull ache»

A "dull ache" refers to a constant, mild pain that is not sharp or intense. It is often described as a persistent discomfort or throbbing sensation. Full definition
Indigestion, dull ache in stomach accompanied by lots of burping, post PHD.
Beyond dulling the ache of a screaming infant and sleepless nights, drinking beer might actually be beneficial for my wife's newest job: breastfeeding.
Whether it takes the form of a constant dull ache or sharp, shooting pains, chronic back pain can interfere with your ability to lead a normal life.
«Growing pains» — dull aches in the legs, especially around the calves, knees, and front of the thighs — are somewhat controversial and probably misnamed.
He is drinking more, especially on weekends, to deaden the dull ache of feeling trapped on the job treadmill.
But for many others, the dull ache for affirmation and love is never fulfilled.
It is swelling so full of love and memories that it is fit to burst; the dull ache of each thump in your chest only serves to remind you how very full it is.
It started as a dull ache in Jill Costello's abdomen, the kind you get after a night of suspect Chinese food.
I have a dull ache in my chest and I can't see it fading before or after the transfer deadline.
A miscarriage can differ for mothers, for some being more painful than with others who may experience only a dull ache.
Now that my littlest child is three - years old, I have a dull ache for a baby.
A dull aching pain may also be experienced which typically becomes more pronounced when you are active, bend over, sneeze, cough or laugh intensely.
After time, hopefully the sharp pain will fade, but there is a dull ache that hangs around even for years after.
As your belly grows larger in pregnancy, you may experience a dull ache or a sharp, piercing pain in your groin or lower abdomen area.
A dull aching in the breasts can also be a problem for some women.
Another of the shared ovulation and early pregnancy symptoms is a dull ache or bloated feeling in the lower abdomen, sometimes even in the form of a backache.
Pain and cramps in the lower part of belly signs about coming labor, that's why if you have menstrual cramping, sharp and dull ache you should consult a doctor.
For me it mostly feels like someone has taken a soccer cleat and repeatedly stomped on my vagina and crotch, but there is also sharp pain throught my entire pelvis depending on what I'm doing, as well as a dull ache in my lower back and hips.
Maybe you had a burst of energy (nesting) or maybe you have had a nagging, dull ache in your back and abdomen all day long.
I'm scrolling and scrolling though crisp curated squares of perfection and productivity, I want to be inspired but instead it makes me feel like crap in my soul and gives me a dull ache in my face.
It's described as anything from a dull ache to a sharp pain on the front of the hip and below the belly.
This condition could either be a dull ache or an extremely sharp pain running from the lower back down to the back area of the leg.
These misalignments result in something between a dull ache to the stabbing, sharp pains in the hips and lower back.
A dull ache in the head and neck that begins before orgasm, and gets worse as sexual arousal increases.
What it feels like Anything from a dull ache to a shooting or burning knifelike pain to an electric shock.
Sometimes kidney stone pain starts as a dull ache, but it can quickly escalate to severe cramping or sharp, wincing pain.
You know it well: the tightness, the dull ache, the sense that your shoulders are creeping ever closer to your ears.
Sometimes the pain was a dull ache that was barely noticeable.
Sometimes you may feel a dull ache from an acupuncture needle indicating activation of the point, but these sensations are not typically painful.
But then you feel it — a dull ache, an itchy rash, or a searing out - of - no where jab.
What starts with the occasional pain or a dull ache, eventually escalates to excruciating pain, sometimes triggered by something as simple as getting out of bed or putting on a shoe!
The pain — often described as pressure, heaviness, tightness, squeezing, burning, or a dull ache — will likely last a few minutes before fading.
In addition, small blood vessels in the brain respond quickly to hydration levels (which is also behind hangover headaches), leading to dull aches and even full - blown migraines.
You know that feeling when you start to get sick — the lethargy, the dull ache in your body, pain in your joints, or that dragging feeling of not being fully awake?
Round ligament pain can also feel like a dull ache as if the muscles are overworked.
Have you ever experienced a stabbing or dull ache in the buttocks, a spasm that shoots down from your hip or a burning pain in the back of your leg?
This often results in the experiencing of a dull ache for the patient.
Kapha Pain: Congestion, sinus headache and heavy mucus, dull ache is Kapha pain.
It could be more insidious; you might observe a rumbling stomach and a dull ache after a week of eating onions every day.
If you are unable to attend regular massages or other body work such as acupressure, reflexology; you could reduce the dull aching pain in the neck and shoulders by completing some or all of the following yoga poses several times throughout the day.
Disconnection from this moment can result in anything from dialing the wrong number to missing that dull ache in your body that's trying to tell you something, to blowing through a red light.
The pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp, burning sensation.
IT Band Syndrome pain is usually felt on the outside of the knee as a dull ache that gets worse over the -LSB-...]
By the time the first symptom arose — a dull ache in his gut — it was too late.
If the sensation is considered to be more of a dull ache, you can roll the yang side of the tool to help balance the excess yin energy.
As with so many modern Hollywood comedies, it's a slice of barely memorable disappointment which leaves a dull ache and then quickly fades.
It's galling for a movie that costs so much and takes up so much cultural space to try to do so little, but it's a familiar disappointment, like the dull ache of a tooth that only bothers you when you bite down on it wrong.
The couple finds the perfect antidote to the dull ache of discontent in the 25 - year - old Jamie and his wife Darby (a wide - eyed Amanda Seyfried).
Luckily, her comrades at the Rake Patrol have given her joy and comfort — enough to quell the dull ache for a family of her own.
Favourite quotes: «This was the dull ache of grief in the real world; more dyspepsia than passion.»
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