Sentences with phrase «dull blade»

It takes a genuinely dull blade not to find allegory in an action scene involving kids taking a dip into a murky lake teeming with merfolk and the drowned bodies of friends.
You may need to clean the blender after pureeing the steak - sometimes bits of gristle will dull the blades making chopping up the shrimp difficult!
A heavy stress on complexity, realism and limitations has a way of dulling the blade of social change.
They start out razor - sharp, but we somehow always wind up with dull blades that do more hacking than effortless slicing.
Sharpening dull blades can be a lucrative business, yielding $ 5 per pair of skates.
No big deal» — to which I wanted to plead, «Please remember, if just for a moment, the horror you felt upon learning this for the first time, before all the scholarly articles dulled the blade and blurred the faces of actual human beings into flat, emotionless ideas.
The pressure of the dishwasher knocks the knives around, ultimately dulling the blade.
Store knives on a magnetic strip, laying them on spine first to avoid dulling the blades
The bottom contains a diamond tapered rod for when you have a really dull blade.
Dulling the blades let the tool grasp instead of slice.
It's available in three different colors and works for polishing and sharpening dull blades or improving already sharpened ones.
In terms of quality, I have yet to experience a defected or dull blade.
I'm sure they will take heed as they cut your head off with a dull blade.
Blendtec uses a dull blade so it can literally pulverize the foods you throw at it.
What will it take for the same to happen for exported cattle, who we see again and again with leg tendons slashed and eyes gouged, and throats hacked open with short, dull blades?
But Yeo and others have bolted other proteins and chemicals to the dulled blades.
Tired with three different sharpeners and all it did was dull the blades.
Or is SHE a dull blade not sharp enough to understand...»
We spend close to an hour with the Huntsman, Huntswoman and their companions in the woods — and these scenes are as dull as, well, a dull blade.
A dull blade makes two, then three attempts at slicing through a sleeping man's throat.
More to the point, so many times you see the makings of a target set to be skewered with razor - sharp wit, and not even a dull blade appears to take a swipe.
A dull blade will cause a lot of resistance to the engine.
A dull blade or an under - lubricated blade makes a clipper work harder, which will reduce the clipper's lifespan, not to mention cost a groomer time and leave less than perfect results on the animal's coat.
Dull blades can scrape the skin of your poodle and cause clipper burn.
Dull blades can split your cat's claws and cause pain and bleeding.
This can be caused by a dull blade, an insufficiently powered clipper or, most likely, a blade drive that needs to be replaced — all easy enough to check and correct.
Dull blades are dangerous.
She said she could see clear signs of burn out — that my usually sharp therapy «knife» had a dull blade.
«A dull blade just tears the grass, whereas a sharp blade will cut the grass and give you an even cut.
Begin by scraping off any dry sap using a dull blade.
This or a dull blade.
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