Sentences with phrase «dumb money»

The phrase "dumb money" refers to investors or individuals who make poor financial decisions or lack knowledge about investing. Full definition
But there's a lot of dumb money out there too.
Because there's too much dumb money in the stock market.
Corporate venture capitalists were known during the dot - com bubble for pouring funding into startups because they thought it was fashionable, earning themselves a reputation as dumb money.
It's not just about getting dumb money — you want smart money.
One of the things we all do at one time or another in life is to make a really dumb money decision.
Adding more dumb money to the market won't fix that.
I suppose the lack of a secondary market prevents dumb money from pushing up the price and lowering the yields — highly annoying feature.
If it's mostly dumb money then there are actually fewer opportunities in the markets to take advantage of people.
The natural bullish bias and dumb money phenomenon are too strong.
They also get part of dumb money penalties... They are better than average active, net of costs and taxes, by definition.
There was so much dumb money coming in and so few actually making money that the suckers finally wised up.
Hill is seeing so much dumb money move into the unregulated offerings, with the scammers taking the money and running.
It can be tempting to cast corporate VC funding as dumb money by definition, but that would be simplistic.
The passive investors in Druce's example appear to be dumb money investors that simply want to time the market, with Buffett as their counterparty.
«The worst investment decisions have generally been made when dumb money is chasing yield.»
I'll be basing it off the book Why Smart People Make Dumb Money Mistakes by Gary Belsky and Thomas Gilovich — which is an awesome read even if you're not a psychology nerd like I am.
«As you can see, a yawning 50 - point gap opened at year - end between the two measures of confidence, with dumb money optimism having soared, while smart money optimism became decidedly more subdued.
But the new dumb money isn't quite as dumb as the VCs would like us to think, nor is it as fickle as its mutual fund predecessors.
The markets abhor free riders, and disasters tend to occur in such a way that the most dumb money gets gored.
But super angels — a clubby bunch ruled mainly by veterans of some of the Valley's most successful startups, including Ron Conway (PayPal), Jeff Clavier (Yahoo), and Mike Maples (Twitter)-- aren't dumb money.
Apartments are the last haven for dumb money
Why do lawyers invest dumb money in marketing?
• The Quest for the Next Billion - Dollar Color (Bloomberg Businessweek) • The Dumb Money: The definitive explanation of why Bitcoin is stupid.
Sure, this is relatively dumb money, but that's where those angel and incubator relationships come in: if startups increasingly feel they have the relationships and advice they need, then growth funding is basically a commodity, so why not take dumb cheap money sooner rather than later?
So it is with venture capital: once startup funding requirements were reduced, the superior information and the willingness to hustle of angels and incubators earned the trust of the big companies of tomorrow, reducing more and more venture capitalists to dumb money hardly worth the 20 % premium.
We brought together our business editor Ben Popper, and our science editor, Liz Lopatto, to discuss what happens when you mix a flood of dumb money eager to invest in anything «disruptive» with life science companies that can actually impact our bodies and health.
«They'll let the [bets] get imbalanced in certain cases when they think it's just a bunch of dumb money accumulating on one side.»
For more on marriage and money, see Financial Changes When You Marry and Learn About These 6 Dumb Money Pitfalls For Married Couples.
Good buy I say SMM recently posted... Rich & Famous People with Smart & Dumb Money Habits
When dumb money shows up for purchase of generic «commodities» distortions follow: backwardation, large storage demand, and warped market incentives.
I do not deny that there is a lot of dumb money bloating the cryptocurrency space, but just because there are some bad or dishonest projects does not mean ICOs themselves are bad ideas.
Like we mentioned in the Bitcoin being a bubble post, these scares are good for the long term progress of the currency — not just because they scare dumb money away and prevent long term losses by innocent people, but also because the regulation the type of which caused this stir is direly needed in China.
Hill is seeing so much dumb money move into the unregulated offerings, with the scammers taking the money and running.
There's a set of indexes put out by finance blog Sentiment Trader: They call them the Smart Money / Dumb Money Confidence indices.
Why the hell do you buy a tablet and then spend all this money on mouse and keyboard Why not just buy a bloody notebook??? you get more with it dumb
Josh Brown makes the argument passionately in his essay «Computers are the new dumb money» and followed it up with the perhaps jubilant report that some of the «quants I know told me the link was hitting their inboxes all day from friends and colleagues around the industry.
Footnote: Definition of mental accounting and casino example taken from «Why Smart People Make Dumb Money Decisions» (aff link) by Gary Belsky and Thomas Gilovich
There's another important phenomenon in the U.S. stock market: there's too much dumb money.
John Cook, editor of Gawker, said he and Mr. Denton decided to restart Valleywag after seeing a return of excessive spending and obnoxious behavior in the Valley and a «lot of indications of dumb money,» like the $ 6 million given to Ms. Morin's start - up.
«We're starting to call it the dumb money, because these algos are reacting on the basis of some really stupid stuff,» says Leigh Drogen, CEO of Estimize, which crowdsources corporate earnings estimates.
It's widely known that there is both smart and dumb money, but there is also dangerous money.
Investment Strategist Matt Prusak, writing at Coindesk, has rounded up some novel examples of «dumb money» (his term) rushing into cryptocurrency.
Bubbles usually pop after the «dumb money» chases the smart money, but until now, it has mostly been individuals and small investors who have driven the Bitcoin phenomenon.
The smart money is getting less optimistic, and the dumb money is getting more optimistic.
In fact, one study released by the Yale School of Management in 2008 went so far as to call retail investing the «dumb money
«Your crowd gives you the dumb money,» he explained.
But those unsophisticated investors, known behind closed doors as the «dumb money,» retreated this year.
Here's how to avoid being part of the dumb money
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