Sentences with phrase «dumbbell up»

Then, press the other dumbbell up towards the ceiling.
• Flex at the elbows and curl dumbbells up to approximately shoulder level, keeping elbows close to sides throughout movement • Return to starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 10.
Grab a barbell and hold it on your back, grip dumbbells up by your shoulders or go straight bodyweight (a).
With the right elbow tucked close to the body, row the right dumbbell up to chest level, then lower it back down (c).
While maintaining a plank, pull the right dumbbell up to your chest, bending your elbow to 90 degrees.
Press dumbbells up over your chest, as your arms near their full extension start to turn your palms in so that dumbbells meet as shown, pause, and reverse the movement to return to start.
Keeping torso and upper legs aligned, push dumbbells up above chest, perpendicular to your body, arms shoulder - width apart, palms of hands facing away from your face.
Press dumbbells up over your chest, as your arms near their full extension start to turn your palms (in) so that dumbbells meet as shown, pause, and reverse the movement to return to start.
You then row one dumbbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm.
Dumbbells do allow this freedom of movement but it's difficult to get very heavy dumbbells up into position.
Stand with feet hip distance apart, dumbbells up near shoulders.
Form: While keeping your core tight, exhale and press one dumbbell up towards the ceiling.
Flip the wrists so that the palms face outwards again and press the dumbbells up, so that the arms form a straight line and the weights are positioned above the head.
Rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you, then push the dumbbells up using your chest muscles until your arms are locked.
By bracing your core and using your thighs to help push the dumbbells up, lift the weights and hold them at shoulder width.
ACTION: Pull the dumbbell up to your ribs area, keeping the elbow and arm close to the body.
Lift the dumbbells up and bring them at shoulder width, then slowly lower your arms out at both sides in a wide arc until you feel a good stretch in your chest, while maintaining a slight bend at the elbows at all times.
Push the dumbbells up and lock your arms at the top.
Bring the dumbbells up slowly until they are parallel to the shoulders.
Slowly lower the weights to your sides in a controlled manner, while keeping the forearms perpendicular to the floor, then push the dumbbells up by engaging your pecs until they're fully contracted.
Lift the dumbbells up and hold them at shoulder width, then rotate your wrists forward so that the palms are now facing away from you.
Push the dumbbells up by engaging your chest muscles and lock your arms at the top.
Keep this angle and pull both of the dumbbells up together until they reach your waist.
Keeping your torso parallel to the floor and the dumbbells hovering off the ground, set your shoulder blades back, squeeze your lats and push the dumbbells up and back with straight arms.
Raise the dumbbell up to 90 degrees to the floor, making the arms parallel to the floor.
Slowly curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders.
Slowly pull the dumbbell up as far as possible.
From here, squat down until you are below parallel and stand back up as you press the dumbbells up overhead until your arms are straight.
Once they reach your shoulders, turn your palms around so they're facing you, and then press the dumbbells up overhead until your arms are straight above you.
Hold the dumbbell over your chest and using your core, sit up while moving the dumbbell up over your head.
Keeping your arms straight, swing the dumbbell up over your head in a controlled motion.
Curl one of the dumbbells up, bending the elbow and bringing the weight to your shoulder.
Done on an incline bench, it attempts to eliminate any cheating so the biceps can do all the work, while the incline itself makes it harder to curl the dumbbells up.
Push the dumbbells up, keeping your back and head straight in a neutral position.
Rotate your wrists so that your palms are now facing forwards ahead of you and then push the dumbbells up into the air above your head, fully locking out your arms as you do so.
Once in this position start raising the dumbbell up in the same manner as the dumbbell side raise.
Exhale and push the dumbbells up in a controlled manner by generating force in your chest.
Keeping your body perfectly still, bring the dumbbells up and out to your side, bending slightly at the elbow and tilting your hands forwards, as if you were pouring liquid from a jug.
Pull your shoulders back and squeeze you shoulder blades together, then pull both dumbbells up simultaneously.
Push the dumbbells up and in until the ends of the dumbbells touch lightly above your head.
Take the dumbbells up positioning them right above your chest with fully extended arms.
Maintaining a straight back, curl the dumbbell up towards the chest while contracting the biceps and make sure that only the forearms move.
Once you've settled in the initial position, press the dumbbells up, breathing out during this movement.
Keep the torso motionless, exhale and lift the dumbbells up to the sides of the torso.
B.Begin to rise back up; simultaneously, push the dumbbells up so your arms are fully extended (do nt lock your elbows) as you reach standing position.
While keeping your arms slightly bent and rotating at the shoulders only, slowly raise the dumbbells up, following a semi-circle path.
Pick up the kettlebell or dumbbell; as you straighten your legs, push through your heels and explode hips upward to swing kettle bell or dumbbell up to chest height.
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