Sentences with phrase «dumbbells by»

Hold dumbbells by your sides.
Keep your dumbbells by your sides, head up, back straight and feet together.
It has all come from Grip Training, like Gripper work, Pinching, and lifting Hex Head Dumbbells by the Head.
Lower the dumbbells by bending your elbows, but don't move your arms.
Resistance Water Dumbbells by Power Systems These resistance dumbbells have a similar look of traditional dumbbells.
If I was performing two drop sets I would likely follow the 12 kg dumbbells by 10 kg and then 8 kg.
Hold dumbbells by the side of your head with hammer grip.
Adjustable Cast Iron Dumbbells by Lions Roar Fitness These are spin - lock adjustable dumbbells with cast iron weight plates that you can easily slide on and off with collars to screw them on tight.
Now lower the dumbbells by bending the elbows slightly, and lower them only to a level parallel to the floor.
There are almost 500 reviews on Amazon of these 1090 Adjustable dumbbells by Bowflex, and they have got a rating of 4.3 stars out of 5.
With all of this talk recently about Block Weight Training, such as Blobs, Fatman Blobs, Fatman Clones, and the Iron Grip Monster, it can be pretty easy to think that you either have to spend an exorbitant amount of money in order to develop Grip Strength through block weight training, or you have to completely ruin one of your perfectly good dumbbells by cutting one of the heads off.
To add more depth to the push up, try using dumbbells by holding one in each hand to push up with.
If this is too much and you find your form is slipping, try holding lighter dumbbells by your sides during the lunges.
Hold dumbbells by your side, the weight should be light enough that it doesn't slow you down significantly.
The DVD also has tips on showing how to maximize lifespan of the dumbbells by showing you how to bench safely using Bowflex SelectTechs to minimize the chances of dropping your dumbbells on the floor.
There are cases of freaks with zero impulse control who have bent dumbbells by slamming them on a floor that's actually designed for dropping weights on!
Then, keeping the upper arms in place, rotate them until the wrists come directly above the elbows - Using the traps to pull the weight up and then the rotator cuff muscles to raise the weight over the shoulder, press the dumbbells by extending the elbows and straightening the arms overhead - Slowly return to the original position
Stand holding your dumbbells by your side (if you have them) and step forward, lowering your back knee down to the ground and keeping your front knee in alignment with your ankle.
Hold a dumbbell by the inside plates and then tuck the upper plate under your chin.
Lift the dumbbell by contracting your back muscles and bend your elbow.
It's the same as trying to swing the dumbbell by using acceleration.
Stand holding a dumbbell by one of the weighted ends with both hands, close to your chest and with your feet wide apart and pointed 45 degrees outward.
To increase the intensity of this exercise, hold a dumbbell by each side.
If the answer is yes, the athlete is allowed to increase the weight of the dumbbell by 5 pounds for his second set.
Hold a dumbbell by one of its bells with both hands and lie back on a bench, suspending the weight over your chest.
Grab a dumbbell by placing your palms against the inside of the plates at one end, positioning your hands together so that your index fingers and thumbs form a diamond shape.

Not exact matches

Called Eta Carinae, the double - star system is shrouded by a dumbbell - shaped nebula of gas and dust that erupted nearly two centuries ago.
Loopy Doopy Dumbbell, by the way, your attempt to pretend that you made a typo is laughable in its dishonesty.
It also is occasionally called the Dumbbell capital of America, but only by people who probably have trouble pulling up their socks and who therefore could not be expected to understand.
The current attack came about after Vladimir Burilov, nicknamed «Unique,» a member of the Muromets club in Moscow, killed a drunk who had wandered into a room frequented by Muromet members by first pressing a 90 - kilogram barbell against his throat and then battering him with a 30 - kilogram dumbbell.
We'll have kids who aren't interested in learning and we'll deal with them by writing IEPs (or whatever they're called) to lower the bar so that our dumbbells can maybe crawl over it.We'll have administrators lie and cheat their way to better test scores to get people like Bloomberg off their backs.
Size: Whether your gym is your living room or a 6,000 - square foot professional space, you need to know how much room will be taken up by the heaviest adjustable dumbbells.
The simplest molecule, resembling a dumbbell, is made up of two atoms connected by electromagnetic forces.
It is known under the names Little Dumbbell Nebula (the most common), Cork Nebula, Butterfly Nebula, and Barbell Nebula, and it was given two NGC numbers as it was suspected to be a double nebula with two components in contact, a hypothesis brought up by William Herschel, who numbered the «second component» H I. 193 on November 12, 1787.
In the Dumbbell astronomers are seeing the knots soon after this hot gas passed by.
Lastly, exploit the benefits of constant muscle tension by performing shoulder - blasting dumbbell press 21's.
Some females believe that they will instantly gain weight just by looking at a dumbbell that weighs more than five kilos.
Begin the movement by pulling through the elbows, then row the dumbbells to your sides by retracting the shoulder blades and flexing your elbows.
The first activity is actually a superset of a couple of exercises — breathing deep squats, followed by a pullover with a barbell or dumbbell.
By bracing your core and using your thighs to help push the dumbbells up, lift the weights and hold them at shoulder width.
But the unique benefit of performing overhead extensions with a dumbbell is that this version allows you to isolate all three individual triceps heads to a degree unmatched by a straight bar.
If that's the case, replace it by dumbbell rows, and then replace the barbell rows by lat pull downs.
Place the plates at the end of the dumbbell on your hands, in a way that the dumbbell shaft is positioned inside the «diamond» formed by your hands.
By simply comparing the top positions of a barbell press and a dumbbell press you can notice that the latter allows your arms to travel more freely and thus much further than the barbell variant.
With the use of dumbbells you can amplify the effectiveness of your lifts by increasing the volume and duration of the tension placed on the pecs.
One simple yet very effective way to overload the delts is by performing rack side raises: start with a relatively light pair of dumbbells and perform three reps of side raises, then move on to the next heavier pair of dumbbells and perform another set of three reps.
Start by performing 10 reps of dumbbell lateral raises with two 50 - pound dumbbells, then perform 10 reps of dumbbell front raises with two 45 - pound dumbbells, then again 10 reps of dumbbell lateral raises but with 40 - pound dumbbells followed by 10 reps of dumbbell front raises with 35 - pound dumbbells and so on.
After that, you can add variety by alternating the last two exercises with dumbbell presses and close - grip shoulder presses.
-- Reg Park advises that the first two exercises can be done with a super set — one set behind of pressing behind the neck, followed by a set of shoulder presses with dumbbells, followed by a rest period.
The long head is best activated by performing full range of isolated dumbbell extensions.
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