Sentences with phrase «duplicated his efforts with»

In the years since, I've duplicated his efforts with my own team and have received similar sentiments in return.
Duplicating its efforts with an exclusively American initiative will waste time and resources.

Not exact matches

While Texas stole a lot of headlines with its late charge of commitments, the Longhorns basically duplicated 2015's recruiting effort — they ranked 12th in these percentiles in 2015 and 11th in 2016.
Makes a good faith effort to provide the parent or person surrendering the newborn with a duplicate of the coded, confidential ankle bracelet.
Opponents of more police say the city's announced community - policing effort is an experiment with no guarantee that it will be successful enough to duplicate.
With 4,500 + books published every day, you really shouldn't stress about duplicating efforts.
I have 4 titles published through Smashwords and the same 4 independently through Amazon with more on the way (waiting on the Amazon «deal» with Smashwords so I don't have to duplicate effort).
Sponsor agrees to coordinate with and request permission from the Tulsa SPCA before soliciting any individuals, organizations or businesses in order to avoid duplicated efforts.
They have their own budget, they have complete control over what they want to do — the only condition they have is they can't just go out and start solving their own personal pet project; they need to be solving something that other people have an issue with, and once they start they have to finish it, and coordinate with IT just enough to ensure we aren't duplicating effort
The elephant in the room, however, is that sometimes law firms are incentivised to duplicate effort (eg, have multiple lawyers attend a meeting) or aggregate tasks (have the lawyers proof - read) as they charge their clients by the hour.Law firms are sometimes scorned for cracking an egg with a sledgehammer.
(The LCO has had observer status with this group, enabling us to ensure that we aren't duplicating efforts.)
Samsung's AR Emoji attempts to duplicate this effect with its best efforts but falls a bit short.
So instead of duplicating efforts by printing documents, compiling binders, and manually updating each one when there's an update, you can present everything online in a much more accessible format, leaving you with more time to run your business instead of fundraising.
«Instead of the consumer house - hunting experience being separate and disconnected from the agent experience in the MLS, with this integration, we'll join them together through the Spark API, all without duplicate entry or effort by the agent.»
The industry is overwhelmed with competition duplicating efforts.
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