Sentences with phrase «duplication of effort»

Collaborating with other Federal, state and local agencies to avoid duplication of efforts in providing early intervention and preschool education.
The Bureau process minimizes duplication of effort by borrowers, while ensuring effective oversight and monitoring of the Federal investment for projects.
By using a JCCP to hear the cases, one judge will oversee all pre-trial proceedings, eliminating duplication of efforts in the discovery process, wasting judicial resources and reducing the likelihood of inconsistent rulings on individual cases.
Phil was responsible for researching and coordinating intelligence, preventing duplication of effort by police forces, and ensuring that officers working on the same case were kept informed of each other?s progress.
This prevents duplication of efforts and the opportunity for miscommunications.
He says that although Britain is a world leader in some aspects of virtual reality, especially exploiting the technique commercially, there is a great deal of duplication of effort in research.
Coordinate and facilitate the development of resources to implement the common core gaining effeciencies by reducing duplication of efforts.
But the place to stop the bad guys is at the perimeter; duplication of effort at the Canada-U.S. border makes no sense.
«Ms. Gratl's tactic and strategy has caused an unnecessary duplication of effort of counsel, unnecessary extra court attendances and a significant consumption of court and counsel's resources and taxpayer funding,» said Campbell, in his decision C.A.S. of the R.M. of W. v C.T. and J.B., 2017 ONSC 3188.
A market of single - vendor solutions rewards duplication of effort across vendors, discourages investment in specialized detection capabilities and encourages vendor lock - in via mutually incompatible software packages.
In a few cases there is a slight duplication of efforts; one might argue for fewer organizations and publications, though both are near minimal now.
We want the right amount of aid to get to those who need it, without duplication of efforts.
The ministry says INPE will continue to monitor the Amazon, but researchers worry that the $ 25 million annual contract will result in significant duplication of effort, a waste of scarce resources, possible confusion over deforestation rates, and create an apparent conflict of interest for the ministry.
«There has been a growing recognition, both from clinicians and leadership, that we needed someone who could set institution - wide priorities and integrate the many excellent genetics services on campus — avoiding duplication of effort among different groups and identifying ways for all of us to collaborate more effectively and efficiently.»
Fighting scammers is a massive duplication of effort across the industry, which is more efficiently managed by a centralised team.
This leads to more isolation, not to mention duplication of efforts and services — and sometimes mistakes.
«The stay of this action will avoid costly duplication of effort for all concerned,» the judge said.
«There is too much controversy, too much lack of continuity, too much duplication of effort.
A common «outstanding tasks» page sounds like a good idea to me (if only to avoid possible duplication of effort).
So, the The in - house lawyer faces a dilemma: Practice outside his / her area of expertise — with a limited grasp of the legal specialty involved — or hire specialists in law firms and «supervise» their work — creating expensive duplication of effort.
There is an inevitable duplication of effort between the law societies in various areas.
The norbloc platform removes duplication of efforts from both banks and customer sides and allows GDPR compliant sharing of information between customers and obliged entities.
Integrated policies intentionally promote the building and support of an efficient cross-sector system that decreases duplication of efforts and increases accountability and sustainability.
The Collaborative Divorce lawyers will assist in an orderly transition to trial counsel to insure the least duplication of effort that is possible.
Minimize duplication of effort by collaborating with other professional learning providers in the development and implementation stages of the professional learning.
Our coordinated approach eliminates duplication of effort and improves outcomes, saving schools time and money.
Further With Food can spark widespread adoption of proven solutions, enable coordination and reduce duplication of efforts.
By learning and sharing what innovations are occurring, we can prevent duplication of effort and connect like minded individuals.
Common themes include concerns about suffocating bureaucracy, unnecessary duplication of effort, management problems that have contributed to massive cost overruns in some projects, and a perceived failure to maximize commercialization of lab discoveries and technologies.
«You can't take two entities that currently have duplication of efforts and double the amount of supply chain personnel and so on... that they're not going to somehow try to economize, through economies of scale and by amalgamating and merging some of their current operations,» she said.
These included wasted time, wasted movement, wasted inventory due to overproduction, customer delays, waits for approvals, delays due to batching of work, unnecessary steps, duplication of effort and errors and rework.
An environment where the need for the program is clearly understood and there is no duplication of efforts
Consequently, there has been a duplication of efforts and inefficient targeting of resources.
In order to participate in the state - wide grant, two federal grant administrators must sign off that there is no duplication of efforts providing training to firefighters.
Jackson's team does not coordinate with the party, which has its own army of volunteers knocking and dialing on behalf of the entire ticket, which can lead to duplication of effort, the strategists said.
Linking tools like these to human fact - checkers and social media platforms could make it easier to minimize duplication of efforts and support each other.
Perhaps dismayed by all the duplication of effort but happy there's competition, which always begets innovation (and often lower prices).
Limiting research fun - ding to priority fields leads to duplication of effort, as well as increasing competition and demands for expensive hardware.
The effort will require an international commission to avoid duplication of effort and identify bottlenecks in development, the authors note.
There supposedly is a «duplication of efforts,» a rivalry between CDC and the U.S. Agency for International Development that undermine in - country programs, an «inappropriate» use of funds.

Phrases with «duplication of effort»

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