Sentences with phrase «duration of labor»

«Studies examining the impact of continuous support by doulas report significant reductions in cesarean births, instrumental vaginal births, need for oxytocin augmentation, and shortened durations of labor
Other factors cited include cesarean delivery (5 — 7, 12 — 14), longer duration of labor (4 — 6), and elevated cortisol concentrations in both the mother (4, 7) and the fetus (4).
Josianne Pare, M.D., with the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Sherbrooke and the presenter of the research at the SMFM annual meeting, explained, «We found that the median duration of labor was 76 minutes shorter in the group of women receiving glucose.
She agreed with the study authors that «low - risk moms benefit significantly when allowed to eat in labor — It's an important consideration, given the unpredictable duration of labor and delivery in addition to all the energy and effort that is needed during and after the labor experience.»
Shorter duration of labor was significantly associated with decreased risk of delayed OL but only among women who did not receive pitocin to induce or augment labor.
You may end up with electronic fetal monitoring for a time — or, if necessary, for the duration of your labor.
We also evaluated the duration of labor, perineal trauma, arterial cord blood pH, postpartum maternal hemoglobin levels, and rates of neonatal infection.
In many water births, duration of labor can sometimes be significantly shorter than traditional delivery.
We will caravan with you and your partner / family to the hospital or birth center and continue to support you for the duration of labor and delivery.
I remain a calm, confident presence for the duration of labor, and I know all of the things that you learned in your childbirth class so you don't have to worry about remembering everything.
A labor coach is the person who is there with you for the duration of your labor, emotionally supporting you and cheering you on.
Your labor coach attends childbirth education classes with you, and when it's time for labor, he or she goes to the birthing place with you and stays with you for the duration of your labor.
I didn't know that nurses rushing in and turning me from side to side, telling me not to move, and putting me on oxygen for the duration of the labor wasn't normal.
You'll also receive an IV, as well as continuous electronic fetal monitoring of each baby for the duration of your labor.
A child's temperament may change a lot during the first few months, because the way a newborn behaves is influenced by temporary factors such as pregnancy hormones, maternal health and diet, duration of labor, a premature birth, and immature neurological development.
Beyond just the duration of labor, mom's health is at risk during childbirth if she has other nonpregnancy related conditions like obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure.
In this retrospective study conducted at 19 U.S. hospitals, the duration of labor was analyzed in 62,415 parturient women, each of whom delivered a singleton vertex fetus vaginally and had a normal perinatal outcome.
I will need to read the paper more closely to comment on the relationship between immersion and duration of labor; in a prior study I found that women who had longer labors were more likely to be removed from the water for medical reasons and so would never be counted in the water birth group.2
But in dense, urban centers like New York, women who choose home birth are going out of their way to avoid the hospital because they are looking for the chance to give birth on their own terms, with no constraints on movement, eating and drinking, or duration of labor.
During the study, the researchers tracked the duration of labor as well as the health and well - being of the women's babies, such as birth weight and blood oxygen levels.
It may also shorten the duration of your labor and help you snap back in shape postpartum.
Calls for routine services including dead animal pickup, strays and other non-emergency calls will be delayed for the duration of the labor strike.
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