Sentences with phrase «duration of the marriage»

Factors that may influence a judge's decision include duration of the marriage, the role of one spouse as a stay - at - home parent in support of the other spouse's career, an education one spouse acquired during the marriage, or the role of one spouse as a homemaker and caretaker of young children or a child with disabilities.
Divorce data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average duration of marriage for those who divorce is 9.2 years (the average duration of a second marriage is 6.6 years).
Tennessee courts can award one of several types of alimony available, based on a number of factors that generally include duration of marriage, age and mental health of the receiving spouse, and education and potential need for training for the receiving spouse.
She was asking me to stand for her in wedding and in her life, to support and encourage her and her husband through the duration of their marriage so that they didn't become another divorce statistic.
-- Blackmailed in Burbank Dear Blackmailed: If you knuckle under to your sister - in - law's threats, her money problems will be over and you will be paying her off for the duration of your marriage.
Dear Blackmailed: If you knuckle under to your sister - in - law's threats, her money problems will be over and you will be paying her off for the duration of your marriage.
'' we found that the duration of marriage was protective against the risk for schizophrenia.
She continued her bad credit practices during the duration of the marriage and after the divorce.
A spouse may be awarded alimony after the court considers factors like the financial status of both spouses, whether the parties are able to support themselves, the time and expense necessary for either spouse to receive job or educational training, and the standard of living and duration of the marriage.
The duration of the marriage.8.
In Arizona, the duration of your marriage can have a significant impact on the court's decision regarding an award of spousal maintenance.
If in any case there is a surviving spouse with the requirements for the widow's pension, the court would have to establish, based on the duration of the marriage as well, and the extent of the need, the amount to be handed out.
Instead, «fair and equitable» is determined by looking at several factors such as, duration of marriage, contribution of the parties to the marital estate, age of parties, health of parties, life status of the parties, necessities and circumstances of parties, earning abilities, past relations and conduct, and general principles of equity.
This means that even if only one spouse was employed for the duration of the marriage, husband and wife own all money earned equally.
Property that was brought into your marriage is yours to keep, but any increases in the value of this property during the duration of marriage must be shared.»
Other factors affecting marital stability were also identified including the duration of marriage (increased hazard), the presence of children and the accumulation of property assets (decreased hazard).
Another important consideration is the duration of the marriage.
First you calculate each party's change in networth over the duration of the marriage.
The duration of the marriage is from the date the marriage took place to the official date that you or your spouse filed for divorce.
If there are children of the marriage, the duration of the marriage has no bearing on the amount of child support that is payable to either parent.
In the US, a report from the U.S. Census Bureau finds divorce rates for most age groups have been dropping since 1996 by an average of about 5 percentage points (Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009)
Many spousal support recipients, the majority of whom are women, are bothered by the fact that their spouse can leave the marriage and pursue a new relationship without any repercussions, while they are restricted in moving on with their lives regardless of the duration of the marriage, the number of children, and their prior contributions to the marriage.
In arriving at this decision, the court considers a number of statutory factors, including the duration of the marriage, the amount of marital property, and each spouse's personal circumstances and potential earnings.
He considered this to be fair given the duration of the marriage and the economic disadvantage the Appellant suffered after its dissolution.
This will be based on a number of factors, including the age of the parties, the income and resources of the parties, the duration of the marriage, each party's contributions to the marriage and to the other's employment and education, and any other relevant factors.
The final support payment is determined by considering the financial need of the payee, the duration of marriage and cohabitation, as well as the presence of children within the relationship (and, by extension, the amount of payable child support that is owed).
All sorts of questions could remain, such as what size of family the parties may go on to have, what sort of investments will they go on to make, will they re-structure their business or indeed receive any gifts or inheritances throughout the duration of their marriage?
Other factors enumerated in the Divorce Code contemplate the equities of the case, including the parties» respective contributions to property acquisition or increased earning power, their standard of living, duration of the marriage and marital misconduct.
The court can require that either spouse pay spousal support, called alimony, after considering the financial condition and needs of each spouse, the earning capacity of each spouse, the ability of the spouse to pay spousal support, the duration of the marriage, who has custody of the children, the previous financial contributions of the spouse receiving alimony, and any misconduct or fault of either spouse.
The new law enacted by New York State in early 2016 sets forth guidelines based upon the duration of your marriage.
Wealth increases with the duration of the marriage, reports the Family Research Council.
The duration of support depends on the parties» needs, duration of the marriage, and whether dependent children require one spouse to stay at home.
In early 2016, New York State enacted a new law that sets forth specific maintenance guidelines based upon the duration of the marriage, and the longer the marriage, the longer the term of maintenance.
When dividing property, the court considers many factors, including the duration of the marriage, the age of the spouses, the contribution of each spouse to the acquisition of the property and the income of each spouse.
These factors include the standard of living the couple had while married, the duration of the marriage, the age and condition of each spouse, both spouses» financial resources, the contribution of each spouse to the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse and sources of income available to each spouse.
Chapter 61 of the Florida Statutes lists 10 factors that the court should consider relevant in determining spousal support, including the duration of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, and the age and physical condition of the spouses.
Common factors include the duration of the marriage, ages and health of the spouses, and each spouse's contribution to the marriage, including the contribution as a homemaker.
The court will consider relevant factors, including the duration of your marriage and the contributions each of you made to the marriage.
The duration of a marriage is really only considered when a court is determining the amount and duration of spousal support.
This means the court will divide property fairly between the spouses, though not necessarily equally, based on such factors as the duration of the marriage, each spouse's income, each spouse's contribution to the marriage (i.e. wage earner vs. homemaker), whether either spouse is receiving alimony, whether the spouses have children, and which spouse has custody.
Most states, however, distribute property equitably between spouses, not necessarily equally, after evaluating several factors, such as the duration of the marriage and each spouse's age and contributions to the marriage.
Relevant factors include the standard of living achieved during the marriage, earning ability of the spouse receiving support, child support payments if applicable, time required to obtain job training or education to improve employment opportunities, and duration of the marriage.
The court considers the duration of the marriage, individual assets and potential for bringing in money, how much each contributed to the marital property, including homemaking, and who will have physical custody of the children.
If the marriage is of a duration less than 10 years, normally, the Court will set a termination date for spousal support of one half the duration of the marriage.
The goal is that the supported spouse will be able to become self supporting within one half the duration of the marriage.
Equitable distribution factors the court considers include the value of each spouse's separate property, each spouse's income, the duration of the marriage, each spouse's conduct during the marriage — meaning adultery, abuse or abandonment — and other relevant circumstances — especially if one spouse will have custody of the minor children.
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