Sentences with phrase «during a given week»

Olympic Aid, since renamed Right To Play, now reaches 700,000 children in 20 countries during any given week.
For example, a salesperson's total sales might depend not only on how hard he works but also on the weather during a given week.
Best I can manage is to decide on a couple of things I feel like making during a given week... everything else just ends up being whatever takes my fancy on the day!
If you were to catch a glimpse of what I eat every day during any given week, you might yawn at the lack... Read more
Killingsworth estimates that more than 500 unique visitors us the facility on a weekly basis, with many of those users spending time at the park multiple times during a given week.
A treat is a treat, but with all the birthday parties and special celebrations going on during any given week, most of us are deeper in the throes of «cupcake creep» than we want to be.
Meal Planning lets you decide before you ever go to the grocery store what healthy meals your family is going to eat during a given week so that you can only purchase healthy foods and know that you will use them.
Generally speaking, within a given athlete's routine, both maximum effort and dynamic effort training can be performed within the same session (maximum effort first, as to maximize benefit it requires the freshest muscles), or on separate sessions during a given week or training microcycle.
During a given week, he may be called to the home where a child has died, asked to appear in court to help a teen - ager in trouble with the law, consulted by a woman suffering from menopausal emotional problems, called on by a man who has just learned he has cancer, and another whose self - esteem is shaken by mandatory retirement.
During any given week, a remarkable variety of meaningful activities occurs within its program, involving persons of all ages.
During any given week, your inquisitive dog has probably explored your house and neighborhood, which means it comes into regular contact with everything from dog park soil to favorite canine lampposts, all of which can harbor germs.
During any given week, you are likely to do all of those things, along with twenty other things that I didn't list.
As one of the resident email specialists at my current company the best time to send an email blast (that sells stuff) to people varies — IE for upper management types, Saturday is good because they hardly have any time to read through emails themselves during any given week... Saturday they supposedly have more time.
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