Sentences with phrase «during a nursing session does»

Pumping doesn't stimulate hormone production the way contact with your baby during a nursing session does.

Not exact matches

I dozed through pumping sessions in the middle of the night, and I figured out I could do other things while I nursed and pumped during the day.
Being a new mom is exhausting enough; I didn't also have to worry about multi-tasking during nursing sessions.
Humans are the only mammals on the planet who suffer from post - partum depression and post - partum psychosis - we are also the only mammals on the planet who are drugged during birth, nurse by a clock, don't sleep with our babies, time our nursing sessions, supplement with formula, use pacifiers (and a myraid of other behaviors that disrupt ancient hormonal production during lactation).
Well, we bedshare like Sophiasmomma doesduring the nursing sessions.
I am leaking way less during feedings and even though I have spontaneous letdowns in between nursing sessions, I don't leak at all during them.
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