Sentences with phrase «during an earthquake»

Today, earth scientists released the first global map that shows the odds of severe ground shaking during earthquakes for the next 50 years.
Whether it's monitoring the integrity of buildings during earthquakes or airplane wings during flight, so - called strain sensors are getting more and more important for our safety.
An abundance of weak, slippery clay material in the fault zone — described in the two companion papers — may account for the low friction during the earthquake, he said.
Most of the people that died during these earthquakes were killed because of such poorly constructed buildings.
The last thing you want to worry about as you lead your family to safety during an earthquake is whether or not your insurance policy provides sufficient coverage for the damage occurring around you.
In this activity, students will learn what to expect during an earthquake and then identify ways to prepare for an earthquake.
What matters is getting your shots level so that your photos don't look as though they were taken during an earthquake.
Check out the FAQ page for great facts to share with your class and motivate the students during earthquake lessons, and see the general and current earthquake information for background material.
Children are most at risk at home during an earthquake or similar such things.
These straps may also be beneficial for securing furniture during an earthquake if you live in that type of area.
Investors would be wise to be extremely cautious and conservative during this earthquake.
I've never once thought of your god during an earthquake, even when I was a believer.
There have been building and structural codes in place since 1976, which include seismic considerations for design and construction to protect against structural instability during earthquakes.
Using these tests, scientists weren't able to accurately pinpoint what areas would be the safest or the most dangerous during an earthquake, creating difficulties when trying to mitigate earthquake damages.
This helps hold the bricks in place during an earthquake.
We had a similar problem here during earthquake season.
The wireless sensor would be powered by the vibrations during an earthquake and transmit information about stress to buildings.
Do you know what to do if you are in your vehicle during an earthquake?
If you are outside during an earthquake, move away from anything that can fall, including signs, power lines and trees.
That would likely cause stronger shaking during an earthquake and more damage.
What's more, most of the building materials had to be lightweight to reduce horizontal momentum caused by the weight of the building during an earthquake.
Over the past three decades, researchers have found stratigraphic evidence of subsidence occurring during earthquakes beneath the salt marshes of Humboldt Bay, California, USA, at the southern end of the CSZ.
Scientists will infer the forces on the fault during the earthquake from these measurements of dissipated energy.
For the first time, scientists have measured the frictional heat produced by the fault slip during an earthquake.
«The ultimate goal here is to understand what happened during the earthquake in as detailed a way as possible.
In doing so, they will be following in the footsteps of Charles Darwin, who was in Chile during an earthquake in 1835, estimated to have been around magnitude 8.2.
«Ventura fault could cause stronger shaking, new research finds: Researchers find that the fault has a staircase - like structure, which would result in stronger shaking and more damage during an earthquake
Sluice Pond also has steep sides to its center basin, which would make it susceptible to landsliding or underwater sliding during an earthquake with significant shaking.
Ram Prasad Sapkota (62) of Tripureshwor VDC, 35 km from HQ Dhadingbesi of Dhading district mends his house, which collapsed during the earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale in April 25 2015.
An earlier paper by JFAST researchers, published in Science in February 2013 (Lin et al.), also suggested a nearly total stress drop during the earthquake based on an analysis of geophysical data collected during drilling.
«It's probably a combination of both — the fault was pretty slippery to begin with, and whatever stress was on the fault at that shallow depth was all released during the earthquake,» Fulton said.
The rods allow the wall to rock during an earthquake and snap back into its original upright position, minimizing the deformation and the resulting structural damage.
A temperature anomaly of 0.31 °C indicates coseismic friction was extremely low during the earthquake.
She uses as an illustration the fact that foundations for new skyscrapers in Southern California are placed on rollers, enabling them to roll with the movements of the earth during an earthquake so that they won't crack apart.
The issue arose last week at a meeting between Westinghouse and NRC staff that included issues of emergency stresses on the reactor shield building, such as during an earthquake, said NRC spokesman Scott Burnell.
Taking data provided by Japan's Meteorological Agency, Fumio Yamazakia of Tokyo University's Institute of Industrial Science measured the maximum horizontal acceleration of the ground during the earthquake at 8.17 metres per seconds per second — about 80 per cent of the acceleration due to gravity.
Following yesterday's new images, the first teaser trailer for San Andreas has arrived online, featuring Dwayne Johnson as a rescue worker during an earthquake on the famous San Andreas fault line.
Bedrock of any kind is not subject to the liquefaction of soil during earthquakes.
During the earthquake at the beginning of Dragon Quest IX the jar containing the Contagion was broken, allowing it to escape and to infect the town of Coffinwell again.
That?s why it?s like trying to build a house during an earthquake.?
The Japanese raised the bed so they could hide underneath during earthquakes, the Indonesians added inflatable elements so they could float in tsunamis, the Chinese added tents to shield from radiation.»
Made a vat of «The Lady from Naples Red Sauce» from first book (p. 69) in prep for the GF Allergen - Free pizza I'm going to make this week with my GF Pizza Crust (p. 169) and the Daiya dairy - free (soy - free and nut - free) cheese I purchased from Whole Foods yesterday during the EARTHQUAKE (thought shelves were going to fall on me, though there are worse places to be buried than Whole Foods).
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice how to protect yourself and stay safe during an earthquake
The monitoring systems communicate with data collection centers in cities receiving SASMEX alerts, through a redundant system of satellite links, Internet links and radio, in case any of these communication lines falls silent during an earthquake.
In the violent, shuddering release of strain during an earthquake, the upper plate would snap to the west, toward its original shape.
Was it physical proof that the ground here had slumped during an earthquake, that the plants of a marsh or forest meadow had been drowned quite suddenly by incoming tides and perhaps buried under the sands of a huge tsunami?
Carnegie Mellon University engineer Jacobo Bielak's simulations provide architects and regulators with reliable, localized estimates of the shaking intensity that buildings would have to withstand during earthquakes of varying strength.
On the steep Calabrian side, the anchorages will be embedded 164 feet into the ground to keep them from crumbling during an earthquake.
This is similar to what happens to rock formations in the middle crust during earthquakes or slow - slip events, a type of tectonic movement that resembles an earthquake but happens over a much longer period of time.
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