Sentences with phrase «during anesthetic procedures»

We use a pulse oximeter monitor during the anesthetic procedure which monitors your cat's heart rate and respiratory rate.
A skilled nurse closely monitors vital signs during anesthetic procedures to ensure the safety of your pet.
The patient's vital signs, including blood pressure and oxygen saturation, are monitored during anesthetic procedures using modern equipment and a dedicated certified technician.
Providing intravenous fluids during an anesthetic procedure will help guard against low blood pressure and maintains hydration.
Many clients prefer to have this done during an anesthetic procedure since the rather large microchip needle can be painlessly inserted while the cat is asleep for surgery, but a microchip can be implanted easily in an awake patient.
Pets are closely monitored during anesthetic procedures by the doctors and licensed veterinary technician to ensure their safety.
The attending staff monitors your cat's breathing and heart rate oxygen levels, blood pressure, plane of anesthesia, and overall health during the anesthetic procedure
Additionally, do your research and make sure that your veterinarian and their staff can appropriately care for your pet during the anesthetic procedure.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures in the same way that a human is monitored by an anesthesiologist.
Each patient has an IV catheter placed prior to anesthesia and is maintained on a warmed, balanced electrolyte solution during the anesthetic procedure.
Here at PBVC we use the safest techniques available to keep your pets safe during their anesthetic procedure.
A patient's vital signs are continually monitored by a nurse during all anesthetic procedures allowing the veterinarian to focus all their attention on the surgical procedure.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs, such as temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation of blood, are monitored routinely during anesthetic procedures.
We offer discounted pricing on microchip implantation during anesthetic procedures and on «Microchip Monday.»
We also assign a specific technical staff member whose responsibility is to monitor each surgical patient's temperature, ECG, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, blood oxygen level and adequate circulation every 5 minutes during their anesthetic procedure.
Because of their small amount of body fat, thin hair coat and large body surface area, Greyhounds are prone to low body temperatures during anesthetic procedures.
Licensed veterinary technicians are assigned to each patient receiving anesthesia, using the most modern equipment to monitor your pet's vital signs during all anesthetic procedures.
Surgical Services and Anesthesia: The patient's critical vital signs are continuously monitored during all anesthetic procedures using the modern equipment.
Anesthetic monitoring guides the adjustments to be made to levels of anesthesia, oxygen, and intravenous fluids during the anesthetic procedure.
Many clients prefer to have this done during an anesthetic procedure to lessen the pain of the large bore needle used with the microchip, but this injection can be done easily in an awake patient.
The patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures by a surgical assistant who is with them from induction (falling asleep) to recovery (waking up).
The attending staff monitors his breathing and heart rate oxygen levels, blood pressure, plane of anesthesia, and overall health during the anesthetic procedure
The patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures using an ECG, pulse oximeter and blood pressure monitoring devises.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures this includes doppler blood pressure, end tidal co2, pulse ox and ecg.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's blood pressure, heart rate, ECG, pulse oximetry and CO2 levels are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures (ECG, etCO2, PaO2, core body temperature, NIBP, IBP, BP, RR, HR).
During all anesthetic procedures, we carefully attend patients and use pulse - oximetry and blood pressure monitoring.
Older pets, or those with medical problems, are given intravenous (IV) fluids prior to and during the anesthetic procedure.
Our patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using modern equipment such as a pulse ox and blood pressure machine, the patient's vital signs are monitored during anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during anesthetic procedures.
The Surgery Assistant is the most important monitor during an anesthetic procedure.
Using the most modern monitoring equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern equipment, we here at the hospital engage and utilize a dedicated anesthesia technician to monitor each patient's vital signs during all anesthetic procedures and recovery process.
Using the most modern equipment, your pet's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern equipment including ECG, pulse oximetry and blood pressure, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern anesthetic and monitoring equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Care is taken to monitor your pet's health and well - being during every anesthetic procedure.
The patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures, using the most modern equipment.
In our hospital the Surgery Assistant is the most important monitor during an anesthetic procedure.
We also use the most modern monitoring equipment to monitor patient's vital signs during anesthetic procedures.
Veterinarians monitor blood pressure during anesthesia and give intravenous fluids during anesthetic procedures to help maintain blood pressure within a normal range.
During the anesthetic procedure, the patients are maintained on heated blankets and wrapped in Bair Hugger ® warming units.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are closely monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
Using the most modern equipment, the patient's heart rate and rhythm, oxygen levels and blood pressure are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.
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