Sentences with phrase «during baking»

Using the palm of your hand or a few fingers, flatten the cookies as they will not spread too much during the baking process.
Roast the vegetables for 40 minutes until the cauliflower is slightly browned, stirring about three times during the baking time.
Bake for 16 - 18 minutes, rotating the cookies once during their baking time and making sure they don't get too dark around the edges.
Use your fingertips to flatten each cookie to a 1 / 2 - inch thickness - the cookies will not spread much during baking.
They do not spread during baking, so go ahead and put 5 or 6 on each sheet.
Spoon the mixture into the muffin tin keeping in mind that the tea cakes will barely rise during bake time.
Allow the dough to rest in the mold for 30 minutes to prevent it from changing shape during baking.
It might seem like a lot of sugar and cinnamon, but it all balances out so well during the baking process.
Leave any excess pastry hanging over the sides — this will ensure that the pastry doesn't slide down the sides of the baking pan during baking.
Do not worry, the egg whites and cheese will bind everything together during the baking process.
You may wish to toss the potatoes a couple of times during baking so that they cook evenly and don't stick to the sheet.
Do not remove the muffins from the oven during the baking process - you do not need to remove them from the oven each time you reduce the temperature.
Bake the cookies for about 12 minutes, rotating the baking sheets midway during baking, until the cookies are very light brown on top.
They will spread out as the top of the loaf expands during baking.
Take care that the pastry doesn't tear around the edge of the tart or the juices will escape during baking.
We know it's disappointing to see your loaf cave in during baking.
If you prefer big clusters of granola, press the mixture down firmly with the back of a spatula or wooden spoon after you have completed the halfway stir during baking.
The cheesecake will be quite solid and may crack slightly during baking process but it will not crack completely.
Also, they tend to spread out quite a bit during the baking process, so I decided to use about 1 1/2 tablespoons of batter per cookie, which yielded the best cookies.
If using two baking sheets, switch racks halfway during the baking duration.
It's really easy, just make sure to stir it and rotate the baking sheet during the baking process.
Making homemade bread may seem a little intimidating, but it's actually really simple — the trick to achieving a crusty, outer layer is using steam during the baking process.
I have a secret to make sure that the butter fully covers the dump cake during baking, and it came from a reader.
Save the excess dough in case a crack forms in the crust during baking.
Note: Another thing you can do, is sprinkle or spray water on the loaves during baking if you want a really crunchy crust.
There's nothing inherently wrong with chunks, they're just more difficult to flip and turn during the baking process.
I also try not to open my oven during baking because it can lower your temp and your cupcakes could cave (extreme scenario but it could happen).
These will get slightly toasted during baking and will add a lovely layer of flavor.
A sweet potato pie typically takes about 60 minutes baked at 350 degrees, and this dough does very well at that temperature with no need to cover the edges during baking.
If you find that the cake is getting too dark during baking, turn the oven down to 300.
It is important to create a 90 degrees angle between the sides and the base so that the edges remain high and will not shrink during baking.
When this happens the dough may rise up some, but then either stop rising or collapse during baking.
Don't let it rise too long otherwise it might fall during baking and / or have too many holes develop internally.
The already - cooked chickpeas don't absorb any further moisture during baking, so they help the inside of the vegan meatballs stay moist.
It can also help cookies get a crisp texture during the baking process.
Brush the entire dough with the egg wash and line the bottom inside edges with large butter knives to hold up the sides during baking.
The carrots add a lovely, natural sweetness and the zucchini helps keep them moist during baking.
Be aware that no - boil noodles absorb more sauce, so if you use them, keep the pan covered with foil during baking to retain moisture.
Occasionally check the water level during the baking time, adding more hot water as necessary.
It's okay to peek during baking, but stirring isn't necessary.
You should adjust your recipes by adding water or oil to make up for any moisture loss during baking.
The cherries softened during the baking and added a tart note to the sweet chocolate.
You can brush the loaf with the buttermilk / butter mixture once or twice during baking if you wish.
1st time I think I added more apple and cheese and kept thick, and they looked pretty wet during the baking - but ended up fabulous.
The shape you make them is the shape they shall remain during baking.
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