Sentences with phrase «during breeding season»

While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season starting at about six months of age.
I also use this variety during breeding season for pregnant and nursing moms and breeding dads.
Volunteers will be assigned to check boxes frequently during the breeding season and to record important breeding data for use in evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
The best evidence is an active nest; however, the presence of singing males and / or adult females during the breeding season is also of great interest.
Each shrimp can live for up to five years, and during breeding seasons hormonal changes can transform the animal into an egg - bearing female.
Female cats can come into heat every two weeks during breeding season until they become pregnant.
Again, intact males do not make good guard animals because they may become protective of does during the breeding season and they may become very aggressive with people.
The shade of pink depends on not only the age of the bird, but it will intensity during the breeding season.
Adults of all three species are found during the breeding season.
What interests me, though, is putting together the lack of ice trouble during the breeding season with the increasing trouble for the bears during the crucial late fall seal - hunting season.
Female cats will generally go into heat four to five days every three weeks during the breeding season, although cycles vary between individuals.
«House sparrow decline linked to air pollution and poor diet: City sparrows suffer from more stress than their country cousins, find Spanish researchers, especially during breeding season
«It is particularly bad for urban birds during the breeding season when they are torn between allocating resources towards fighting the toxic effects of pollution or towards laying healthy eggs, both of which aren't helped by their poor diet.»
As Capital first reported, the state Department of Environmental Conservation quietly posted a plan on its website this month that would involve closing the plant for up to 100 days in the spring and summer in order to mitigate damage to Hudson River fish populations during breeding season.
The auditory regions of their brains grow during the breeding season, then shrink when song becomes less important.
Females of the Bombay night frog call during breeding season.
The attacks typically occur when the gulls are defending themselves and are most frequently seen during the breeding season, when adults protect vulnerable offspring.
Male - versus - male competition may have been another force for fang evolution; males stab each other during breeding season.
The fish live for only 1 year, but they can mate multiple times during their breeding season from April to July.
Eating the crustaceans as well as the wood might have given the dinosaurs an extra dose of nutrients during breeding season to help form eggs and nourish the embryos.
Pectoral sandpipers (Calidris melanotos) breed in the Arctic, where the sun never sets during the breeding season.
Scientists from The University Of Edinburgh and the Centre For Ecology And Hydrology studied the impact of disease on families of cormorant - like birds, known as shags, on the Isle of May National Nature Reserve off Scotland's east coast during the breeding season.
On the other hand, the male sandpiper, for one, can largely forgo sleep during the breeding season, hinting that it may also be possible for birds to stay awake during prolonged trips.
In many bird species, including the blue tit, only the female incubates the eggs during breeding season.
A type of wading sandpiper, ruffs are named after the large showy feathers sported by males around their necks during breeding season.
For centuries fishermen have worried that too few fish spawn during breeding season, leading to longstanding rules limiting minimum length.
Conservation efforts should be focused on the most acute factors affecting the seal's survival, such as minimizing bycatch mortality and disturbance during the breeding season.
«Using «Judas» pythons might seem like a wild idea to some, but, despite the cost, it has been the best method to help us find more, large, reproductive individuals during the breeding season,» said Kristen Hart, a USGS research ecologist, study co-author, and a graduate advisor to Smith.
Currently, the two species have little opportunity to interact in the region during the breeding season; Mottled Ducks nest in coastal marshes, while most Mallards are migratory and breed outside the region.
The researchers believe the hormonal surge experienced by the Japanese macaques during breeding season and the close cooperation between these primates and Sika deer culminated in this copulation behavior between two unrelated species.
During the breeding season researchers visit nests once or twice a day to see what is happening and record the contents of the nest, often hunting for chicks when they move around as they get older.
Secondly, in many birds and mammals, males get nastier during the breeding season, when levels of androgens in the blood reach a peak.
The main reason for this: urban raccoons, which also snap up 90 % to 100 % of the eggs laid by Jamaica Bay terrapins during breeding season.
Rarely visible, except perhaps during the breeding season and periods of territorial defense, the male has a small red streak on each side of its black cap called a cockade, hence its name.
«DNA methylation is a key mechanism by which day length and melatonin levels exert seasonal control over the expression of the deiodinase enzyme known as dio3, and dio3 expression likely acts as a key step for the maintenance of reproductive competency during the breeding season,» said co-author Tyler Stevenson, senior lecturer at the Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
The researchers also still wonder why these animals only stay in the breeding area for a month during the breeding season — whether, for example, it is too energetically demanding to stay longer, or whether they have another nest to visit elsewhere.
Male shannies (Lipophrys pholis)-- which care for the eggs — were already known to return to their nests if they were artificially removed during their breeding season, from October to April.
The overarching goal of the project is to better understand how and why monarch populations vary in time and space, with a focus on monarch distribution and abundance during the breeding season in North America.
«We've discovered conflicting functions of GLP - 1 in the platypus: in the gut as a regulator of blood glucose, and in venom to fend off other platypus males during breeding season,» explained the study's co-author Briony Forbes, from Flinders University.
The volume of cats and kittens in pounds and shelters during the breeding season means that many are killed due to minor curable health problems such as flu and ringworm, or socialization issues such as being too timid or too assertive.
The testicles remain in the scrotum ONLY during the breeding season.
The range of intact males was 33 — 116 percent larger during the non-breeding season, and 68 — 80 percent larger during the breeding season.
Intact male donkeys often do not make suitable guardians because they can become aggressive with does and bucks during breeding season.
Cats are «seasonally polyestrus», which means that they have multiple estrus cycles during the breeding season.
Additionally, the male cat influx in the surrounding area and howls during breeding season can cause discomfort.
For instance, a lizard experiencing rapid weight loss may simply be a female expending extra energy during the breeding season, or it may be carrying internal parasites.
Unlike meowing, adult cats do yowl at one another, specifically during breeding season.
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